Former Top DOJ Leaders Oppose the SSA
So a bunch of folks wrote to say that they oppose the notion of reducing the mandatory minimums for drug offenses. After all, they have found those mandatory minimums useful for their jobs, and it’s not like they’d abuse that power. As they say…
Existing law already provides escape hatches for deserving defendants facing a mandatory minimum sentence. Often, they can plea bargain their way to a lesser charge; such bargaining is overwhelmingly the way federal cases are resolved. Even if convicted under a mandatory minimum charge, however, the judge on his own can sidestep the sentence if the defendant has a minor criminal history, has not engaged in violence, was not a big-time player, and cooperates with federal authorities. This “safety valve,” as it’s known, has been in the law for almost 20 years. Prosecutors correctly regard this as an essential tool in encouraging cooperation and, thus, breaking down drug conspiracies, large criminal organizations and violent gangs.
Right. Make the mandatory minimums so high that defendants don’t dare take their chances with a jury trial, and give breaks to those who can give someone up, encouraging lying and giving a disadvantage to those who don’t know anything.
So who are the pillars of society who wrote this letter? Ah yes, some familiar names…
William P. Barr
Former United States Attorney General
Michael B. Mukasey
Former United States Attorney General
Samuel K. Skinner
Former White House Chief of Staff and Former United States Attorney, Northern District of Illinois
William Bennett
Former Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
John P. Walters
Former Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
Mark Filip
Former United States Deputy Attorney General
Paul J. McNulty
Former United States Deputy Attorney General and Former United States Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia
George J. Terwilliger III
Former United States Deputy Attorney General and Former United States Attorney, District of Vermont
Larry D. Thompson
Former United States Deputy Attorney General and Former United States Attorney, Northern District of Georgia
Peter Bensinger
Former Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration
Jack Lawn
Former Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration
Karen Tandy
Former Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration
Greg Brower
Former United States Attorney, District of Nevada
A. Bates Butler III
Former United States Attorney, District of Arizona
Richard Cullen
Former United States Attorney, Eastern District, Virginia
James R. “Russ” Dedrick, Former United States Attorney, Eastern District, Tennessee and Eastern District, North Carolina
Troy A. Eid
Former United States Attorney, District of Colorado
Gregory J. Fouratt
Former United States Attorney, District of New Mexico
John W. Gill, Jr.
Former United States Attorney, Eastern District, Tennessee
John F. Hoehner
Former United States Attorney, Northern District, Indiana
Tim Johnson
Former United States Attorney, Southern District, Texas
Gregory G. Lockhart
Former United States Attorney, Southern District, Ohio
Alice H. Martin
Former United States Attorney, Northern District, Alabama
James A. McDevitt
Former United States Attorney, Eastern District of Washington
Patrick Molloy
Former United States Attorney, Eastern District, Kentucky
A. John Pappalardo
Former United States Attorney, Massachusetts
Wayne A. Rich. Jr
Former United States Attorney, Southern District, West Virginia
Kenneth W. Sukhia
Former United States Attorney, Northern District of Florida
Ronald Woods
Former United States Attorney, Southern District, Texas