They promise to be ‘more careful’ next time (updated)

Toddler critically burned during SWAT raid

Atlanta. Police conduct a no-knock SWAT drug raid at 3 am. Bust open the door, and toss in a stun grenade, which lands in a crib on the pillow next to a baby’s face, and goes off.

The injuries are horrifying.

Channel 2 has decided not to share most of the photos because of the graphic nature of the child’s injuries.

“He’s in the burn unit. We go up to see him and his whole face is ripped open. He has a big cut on his chest,” Phonesavanh said. “He’s only 19 months old. He didn’t do anything.”[…]

[Police Chief Rick] Darby told Channel 2’s Wendy Corona that the entire unit is very broken up about the incident.

“You’re trying to minimize anything that could go wrong and in this case the greatest thing went wrong,” Darby said. “Is it going to make us be more careful in the next one? Yes ma’am, it is. It’s gonna make us double question.”

[Thanks, Jean]


Sheriff in Burned Baby Raid Wants Your Prayers; Target of Warrant Could Be Charged For Injuries to Toddler


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Breaking… (updated)

US House votes 219 to 189 to prohibit DOJ funds from raiding or interfering with state medical marijuana programs.

It isn’t a done deal yet, but this is historic.


I’ve been reporting on votes in the house regarding this kind of bill since I started blogging, and year after year, the results were so depressing. Finally, we’re making some progress with Congress.

House Votes to End DEA Raids on Legal Medical Marijuana Operations

Currently 22 states and the District of Columbia allow marijuana use for medicinal purposes. Five others don’t allow smoking, but do allow CBD oils.

“This year’s huge vote increase can largely be attributed to the fact that lawmakers only recently began hearing the moving stories of the many children whose severe seizures are only relieved by marijuana,” said Tom Angell, chairman of Marijuana Majority, in a statement. “Being able to list these CBD states in the amendment text meant that more members of Congress that represent these states voted yes than otherwise would have. Counting these states, 60 percent of the U.S. population lives in a place where state law disagrees with federal law.”

Update 2: Project SAM tweets their reaction:

We’re disappointed in the House Rohrabacher amendmt which allows marijuana grown in public parks, Colombian cartels, etc. Will Fix in Senate

Colombian cartels?

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Paul Armentano in Medicine Hasn’t Found Anything Wrong With Pot by Larry Gabriel who notes that “one of the biggest arguments anti-marijuana warriors use is the ‘we don’t know enough about this stuff’ ploy.”

“To date, there are over 20,000 published studies or reviews in the scientific literature referencing the cannabis plant and its cannabinoids, nearly half of which were published within the last five years according to a keyword search on PubMed Central, the U.S. government repository for peer-reviewed scientific research. Over 1,450 peer-reviewed papers were published in 2013 alone,” wrote Armentano. […]

“The answers are in the scientific literature if anybody would read it,” Armentano says. “What prohibitionists are really saying is, ‘We’ve done research on marijuana and we need more research because we’re still searching for the problem.’”

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With news like this, who needs parody?

Spike in drug offences shows success of police operations

DRUG offences in the North East have skyrocketed in recent months — and police couldn’t be happier.

The spike in recorded drug-related crimes shows the success of police operations targeting the trafficking of ice and cannabis, Benalla Inspector Mark Byers said.

Figures from Victoria Police released yesterday show drug offences in Benalla have increased 40 per cent between April last year and March this year — 154 offences compared with 110 in April 2012 to March last year.

In Wangaratta, 403 offences were recorded compared with 335 the year before, up 20 per cent.

That’s the great thing about being a drug warrior. No matter what happens, you’re a winner! All you have to do is declare it so.

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Minutes of fame

Well this appeared out of nowhere on Facebook this morning – it’s one of my quotes from Guitherisms – haven’t thought about it in years (the picture was from New Orleans in 2008).


It has taken off virally today, with over 2,500 shares last I checked. The image also refers to this article at the Free Thought Project regarding the disturbing trend of wrong-address raids, etc.

The reaction seems to be almost universal among online commenters that this is something we must no longer tolerate, which is good news. There is powerful sentiment out there unhappy with the militarization of police and the highly invasive drug war.

There are also some scary commenters with limited comprehension, an unfortunately significant number of whom appear to think that I’m a cop endorsing killing mothers, children and pets, rather than someone pointing out the atrocities; and so some have said some rather nasty things about me and encouraged people to do bad things to me. Please don’t.

To all those who may be visiting for the first time because of the image, welcome!

Have a seat on Pete’s couch and join in the conversations (and maybe we can help channel your anger into some activism to change bad laws).

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Just making it up as he goes along

Kevin Sabet currently is at a Philosophy Festival called How The Light Gets In 2014 where he is a panelist in a sold-out event entitled “Morality, Hypocrisy, and Health.” (I’ll let you decide where he fits in.)

Here are a couple of tweets quoting his statements in the panel:

Daniel Hultgren @diftol
“The alcohol & cigarette industries would only benefit from the legalization of controlled substances.” @KevinSabet smashing it at #HTLGI14

retweeted by Kevin Sabet


Daniel Hultgren @diftol
“It’s the values of Wall St. that are driving the push towards legalization of cannabis” @KevinSabet #HTLGI14

retweeted by Kevin Sabet

Wow. Not even an attempt to make the appearance of a connection to reality.

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Odds and Ends

bullet image Scholars Scramble for the Archives of Marijuana Legalization

Ah, yes, we have certainly come a long way, from being the outcast crazies to being a significant movement in history.

bullet image Symphony’s first cannabis concert woos, raises funds

I would have loved to be there. But what I really look forward to is the jazz concerts that will come in the future. And sports.

When I was in college way back in the day, of course nobody smoked cannabis openly at football games — the only allowable drugs were alcohol and tobacco. But soccer — nobody went to the soccer games and the team was so happy to have fans that they were fine with people lighting up on the sidelines — so soccer became the sporting event to enjoy if beer wasn’t your drug of choice.

bullet image Fight Heroin with Marijuana by Froma Harrop.

“If I had to write a prescription for the heroin problem,” retired Cincinnati police Capt. Howard Rahtz told me, “the first thing I’d do is legalize marijuana.”

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O.penVAPE changes drug testing policy

You may remember that O.penVAPE came out with an offensive drug testing policy for their employees (OpenVAPE throws alies under the bus; drug tests employees).

The reform community (including readers here) reacted strongly. At first, O.penVAPE’s Todd Mitchem badly ridiculed the reaction, but then they got the message from us.

O.penVAPE’s leadership participated in some conference calls with NORML and Drug Policy Alliance, and have now crafted an employee policy that completely eliminates urine testing.

Their new policy uses computerized impairment testing instead of drug testing. It’s a method that has been recommended by the drug policy reform community for some years, but hasn’t been used much in business; it tests actual impairment, not whether an employee has used drugs in the recent past.

More on this and the computerized impairment testing at CelebStoner.

A couple of take-aways here…

First, we have some power here. It’s obvious that management of O.penVAPE came from the business world and thought that they could step in to this culture and operate the same way – they learned they could not.

Second, O.penVAPE could have gone with a cosmetic change to try to appease the outrage from reformers, but instead they listened, researched, and completely re-wrote their policy from scratch. They get points for that.

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FBI meets reality

Potential FBI Hackers Smoking Weed Before Interviews Triggers No Drugs Policy Review

The FBI has admitted that it is considering relaxing its strict rules against drug taking, in a bid to try to encourage more hackers to work for them in the ongoing war against cybercrime.

On Monday, FBI Director James B Comey told an audience at the White Collar Crime Institute annual conference in New York City that the FBI wants to build up its cybercrime unit by filling 2,000 new jobs this year, but has had problems when seeking to hire promising young hackers.

“I have to hire a great work force to compete with those cyber criminals and some of those kids want to smoke weed on the way to the interview,” Comey said, according to the Wall Street Journal.

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Open Thread

I’ll be on the road this coming week, visiting my parents in Quincy, Illinois and Indianola, Iowa. Looking forward to playing pool with my dad and maybe cooking some orange roughy for my mom (her favorite fish).

I’ll check in when I can.

Very curious to see what will happen with the lawsuit against the feds in Kentucky over the hemp seed.

Refrigerator is stocked. There should be enough loose change in the sofa cushions to order some pizza.

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