It’s no secret that this site has been a big fan of the exceptionally important work done by investigative journalist Radley Balko.
It’s very sad to hear this:
So after nine years, I’m being let go by the Washington Post. This is disappointing but not surprising. In recent years, the Opinion leadership has made it increasingly difficult to do the reporting & in-depth analysis I was hired to do — in favor of short, hot takes.
Over the last year, it’s become clear that my short, hot takes aren’t particularly welcome either. My last day is Dec 1.
It’s a deflating way to end a dream job. But I’m proud of the journalism I’ve published in the last decade, including reporting that has brought real change.
So today, I’m launching my Substack, The Watch. For now, this will be my primary source of income and the primary way I fund my journalism.
If you support my work, I hope you’ll subscribe, and I hope you’ll spread the word. Thanks!
One more thing:
My first big story will post in a few days. It’s a two-year investigation into a horrific wrongful conviction in Arkansas.
Stay tuned.