Scouring the internet for drug-war-related writing that missed the boat…

In our continuing series of pieces by students we have the rather bizarre waste of space in the Nexus titled Drug Slogan Stinks

“Nice people take drugs.”

These are the words that catch my eye on a recent AIDS Vancouver Island poster. I stop to take another glance at this poster; I re-read the slogan, and, because I’m not high on drugs, thus making me a jerk, I can’t help but think, “Dumbest. Slogan. Ever.” […]

While there’s some truth in saying nice people take drugs, the simple fact is that this statement is too bold and exclusive; it insinuates that only nice people take drugs, which isn’t true, and that only mean people are sober.

Apparently English classes are not taught at this particular college.

Next, we have a professional – Vanda Felbab-Brown, a fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institute – writing for the Houston Chronicle: A smarter drug interdiction policy for Mexico

Ramping up of the campaign against Mexico’s drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) without being truly strategic may satisfy some critics, but it will not enhance the necessary development of law enforcement, justice and corrections institutions in Mexico that are needed to make real headway in ending the Mexican drug wars. Counterproductively, non-strategic action will likely further increase the violence and decrease Mexican public support for the effort in the long term. […]

A key reason for the violence in Mexico is the way interdiction operations have been carried out – focusing the hollowed-out law enforcement and justice sector on high-value targets, such as top capos, and arresting tens of thousands of foot soldiers, while the middle layer of DTO operators has not been severely affected. […]

Expanding targeting to the middle layer needs to become a key feature of the strategy in Mexico, along with a steadfast institutional development and social policies to reduce communities’ vulnerability to crime. Reducing violence equally needs to be integrated into strategy – otherwise, public support in Mexico will continue to weaken and temptations by local officials to strike deals with the narcos will increase.

Note how pathetic the arguments start to sound when the author is unable to consider prohibition as a cause of violence. It always boils down to some form of “we just haven’t been strong enough in our prohibition efforts.”

And yet, a third grader could see the gaping hole in this argument. Even if you remove both the top and the middle of the organization, it still leaves a void to be filled as long as prohibition exists, and it will probably be filled violently.

Finally, an idiot.

It’s almost unfair to take pieces from Cliff Kinkaid’s “Accuracy in Media” site, but here’s an AIM Special Report by Michael P. Temoglie: How State Budget Battles Could Mean More Criminals Back on the Streets

On the surface, the budget fight in Wisconsin has involved issues like collective bargaining and pay increases for public employees. What has been largely ignored is that Governor Scott Walker, who is determined to cut spending, won’t make significant cuts to the prisons. This has made him a special target for liberal commentators. […]

In fact, Walker’s budget would end a Wisconsin program allowing some nonviolent offenders to seek early release from prison, which Republicans had derided as “catch and release.” […]

Walker favors a truth-in-sentencing law that requires prisoners to serve their entire sentence without time taken off for good behavior.

If the liberal unions eventually succeed in Wisconsin and other states and budgets remain out of balance, we can anticipate the liberal left proposing this “cost effective” way of dealing with lawbreakers—“prison reform” through releasing criminals back on the streets. This is the fall-back position when liberals are pressed for budget cuts of their own on the state level.

The appeal of “prison reform” is such that some conservatives have expressed support for it. Ultimately, however, it means reducing the number of criminals in prison. While some public money would be saved, the cost in lives and injuries carried out by criminals back on the streets would be difficult to estimate. The public needs to be on-guard against a renewed push to open the prison gates in the name of saving public money.

That’s right – it’s a conservative call for big government spending on increased incarceration, because apparently we don’t have enough of that going on here. Even non-violent criminals, once released, will apparently resort to violence. By this logic, once we incarcerate anyone for anything, we should never release them.

More Prisons, Less Crime

Otis said that the answer is readily apparent —“when you put in jail the people who commit crime you get less crime. Conversely, when you start releasing them, you will get more crime.”

Of course, this isn’t true – particularly when you factor in the drug war. With the drug war, when you put people in jail you get more crime. Arresting one drug dealer creates a job opening and now you have two.

The whole piece is a rambling 6,000 word nonsensical diatribe with footnotes, slamming judges, invoking the demon name of Soros, regularly tossing out the “liberal” word as an epithet, and calling it all a Special Report.

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The Drug War fuels corruption

No government in the world can compete with the black market in financial compensation for police officers.Guitherisms

City Hall Plotters Accused in Gun-Smuggling Scheme

Even in a border town where smugglers have moved contraband to and from Mexico for generations, no one here expected the mayor, the police chief and a town councilman to be accused in an international gun-running scheme.

Federal agents last week arrested the men along with seven other people for allegedly conspiring to smuggle hundreds of semi-automatic weapons into Mexico. […]

The mayor, Eddie Espinoza, allegedly served as a so-called straw buyer for 22 pistols, and he leased an apartment in a gated El Paso, Texas complex that was used to store weapons, according to the indictment.

Police Chief Angelo Vega allegedly bought bullet-proof vests and other body armor to be smuggled, participated in a cash pickup in Albuquerque, and twice called federal agents to try to intercede on behalf of a village councilman, Blas Gutierrez, according to the indictment. Mr. Gutierrez is also accused in the smuggling scheme.

It’s tempting to think that the corruption of police, government and military is something you find in other countries, but that our system is stronger, somehow immune.

This is just an example of some who were caught.

As long as the drug war makes the black market so obscenely profitable, there’s no way we can prevent this and other situations like it from proliferating.

Ending the drug war is essential to saving the integrity of government entities and our criminal justice system.

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For the families

Via NORML Women’s Alliance

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DEA raids Montana


The Republic

Federal agents with guns drawn raided up to a dozen medical marijuana operations across Montana on Monday, the same day that a bill to repeal the state’s medical marijuana law stalled in a Senate committee.

Coincidence or political?

Montana NORML is live blogging updates on the raids.

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More dictionaries needed.

When the Drug Czar said that “legalization” wasn’t in his vocabulary or the President’s vocabulary, there was a movement to send dictionaries to the White House. The DEA needs some as well…

Chemicals Used in “Spice” and “K2” Type Products Now Under Federal Control and Regulation


this action makes possessing and selling these chemicals or the products that contain them illegal in the United States

And that’s “control and regulation”? Just like all the other drugs that the federal government “controls and regulates”?

Let’s look at some definitions:

con·trol – verb \kÉ™n-ˈtrōl\

transitive verb

    1. : archaic : to check, test, or verify by evidence or experiments
    2. : to incorporate suitable controls in (a controlled experiment)
    1. : to exercise restraining or directing influence over : regulate
    2. : to have power over : rule
    3. : to reduce the incidence or severity of especially to innocuous levels (control a disease)

intransitive verb
: to incorporate controls in an experiment or study —used with for (control for socioeconomic differences)

Examples of CONTROL

  • The parents could not control their child.
  • The police controlled the crowd.
  • The small boy could not control the big dog.
  • Her family controls the business.
  • One country controls the whole island.
  • The rebel army now controls nearly half the country.
  • The lights on stage are controlled by this computer.
  • She struggled to control the cart as it rolled before her down the steep, bumpy road.
  • He controlled the volume by turning the radio’s knob.
  • A thermostat controls the room’s temperature.

reg·u·late – verb \ˈre-gyÉ™-ËŒlāt also ˈrā-\

transitive verb

    1. : to govern or direct according to rule
      1. : to bring under the control of law or constituted authority
      2. : to make regulations for or concerning
  1. : to bring order, method, or uniformity to (regulate one’s habits)
  2. : to fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of (regulate the pressure of a tire)

Examples of REGULATE

  • The dam regulates the flow of water into the river.
  • We need better laws to regulate the content of the Internet.
  • Laws have been made to regulate working conditions.
  • The government regulates how much lead may be found in our water supply.
  • The department regulates foreign trade.

Recognize anything in those definitions that even remotely resembles the disaster that we are experiencing and which the DEA is enforcing?

The DEA isn’t in the business of regulating or controlling drugs, and it bothers them greatly when we remind them of that fact. Criminalization leads to the absence of control.

What the DEA has done is merely outlawed things and used that arbitrary distinction to declare war on Americans (and others).

outlaw – verb

transitive verb

    1. : to deprive of the benefit and protection of law : declare to be an outlaw
    2. : to make illegal
  1. : to place under a ban or restriction
  2. : to remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement

Outlawing is not controlling or regulating.

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Doctors who lie: Ken L. Williams

The Orange County Register prints this “Reader Rebuttal” from Ken L. Williams, physician, member of the Orange County Board of Education, and law enforcement officer.

Judge Jim Gray is an honorable man but, unfortunately, once again is leading a statewide effort endorsing a tragic public policy position for the unrestricted use of marijuana.

First sentence! Not bad. I don’t believe that Jim Gray has ever come even close to endorsing the unrestricted use of marijuana.

Marijuana laws present a significant problem for law enforcement officers because of the chemical stimulant in and of itself…

Stimulant? Yes, it does stimulate pleasure, appetite, and has some other similarly healthful benefits, but is rarely classified a “stimulant” in terms of illicit drugs.

Over the past few years since the decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana possession from misdemeanor to an infraction, while on patrol I also have observed a distressing increased use of and societal dysfunction caused by the abuse of marijuana laws.

“the abuse of marijuana laws”? Ah, now I see what bothers him. Interesting phrase.

From a health perspective, marijuana smoke is a highly toxic substance and associated with an increased risk of lung cancer.

Wrong again. Time to turn in your internet doctor’s certificate.

Advocates of marijuana decriminalization believe drugs don’t negatively impact society.

Name one. Seriously. One.

Proposition 19 was rejected by California voters in November, and the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act of 2012 should also be opposed. We can’t further dilute the “Just Say No to Drugs” school-based, anti-drug campaigns in place. We can’t send a two-faced and double-standard message to our children and society.

The use of automobiles must be opposed. We can’t further dilute the “Give a Hoot! Don’t Pollute”” school-based anti-pollution campaigns in place.

Have your own fun with this.

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Wearing them out. It’s a battle of persistence that we need to win.

It’s a tactic that the federal government has regularly used against us. Wear them out. Allow for a system of re-scheduling marijuana, but let it take 20 years to go through the process of appeals and denials and maybe we’ll just get tired of trying.

It’s been an effective tactic in stalling progress, but it can’t ultimately succeed, because we also use that tactic in a positive way.

Medical Marijuana Making Progress in Illinois Again

It’s been made very clear that every defeat of medical marijuana in Illinois will now mean another bill the next year. And it will get harder and harder for the opposition to mount a serious challenge to it, particularly as more of the public gets educated.

There is a strong and dedicated group of medical marijuana advocates in Illinois who will not give up.

The same is true of groups in various other states pushing for legalization of recreational or medical marijuana. As we’ve seen, success may be delayed, but with persistence and patience, we persevere.

It’s frustrating, but it won’t always move this slowly. Critical mass will see to that.

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And the Drug War continues

This has been a much-needed break, along with a whole lot of work keeping up with these college students.

Here’s another open thread.

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Tuesday thread

I’m having way too much fun in New York right now seeing good shows, eating good food, leading good walking tours (along with an amazing single-malt tasting session tonight) to possibly keep up with reading and commenting on drug war news.

But you need another open thread, so here it is.

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Drug Czar reiterates that he ended the drug war, says LEAP is wrong

Video: Drug Czar says LEAP “Is Wrong”

An 8 minute interview with Gil Kerlikowske. Lots of lies and deception, and all the stuff we have come to expect from the drug czar.

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