The INCB (International Narcotics Control Board) is an international terrorist organization with influence in more countries than al-Qaeda. It even receives material support for its activities from the U.N.
The INCB has members from around the world who meet in secret and whose stated goal is to impose their interpretation of drug treaties on the rest of the world (especially their holy text — The Single Convention), even to the point of coercing entire governments to function as assassins and kidnappers on their behalf.
These governments, acting under an agreement with the terrorist group, have kidnapped millions of peaceful citizens, often keeping them confined for years, executing some, and applying the tactics of terror on innocent victims (shooting their dogs, etc.), using fear to promote their agenda.
In addition to their government puppets, the INCB terrorists are allied with Mexican cartels and other criminal organizations who couldn’t exist without the holy warriors of the Single Convention.
This terrorist organization has released a statement indicating their disappointment with the government of Bolivia for denouncing the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs:
Such approach would undermine the integrity of the global drug control system, undoing the good work of Governments over many years to achieve the aims and objectives of the drug control conventions, including the prevention of drug abuse which is devastating the lives of millions of people.
The international drug control conventions are the corner stone of international efforts to prevent the illicit production, manufacture, traffic in and abuse of drugs while at the same time ensuring that licit drugs are available for medical and scientific purposes. The almost universal adherence to these conventions is testimony to Governments’ trust in the international drug control system and a pre-requisite for the treaties’ effectiveness to prevent drug trafficking and abuse. […]
The Board has the responsibility to bring any threat to the international drug control system to the attention of States parties.
The way to stop these terrorist organizations is to stop giving them power.