A sea change? Lake Zurich District 95 hears a big no on drug testing
A proposal to subject Lake Zurich High School students to random drug testing met with overwhelming public opposition at a forum Wednesday night.
One after another, audience members told Lake Zurich Unit 95 board members and administrators they object to the testing plan, which would be limited to students in extracurricular activities such as sports or clubs or teens who drive to school. […]
Other attendees said it infringed on parental responsibilities.
“A drug-free environment should be the school’s job,†Karen Abry said. “Drug-free students should be a parent’s job.â€
Remind me why we have forfeiture laws again?
The former Romulus police chief, his wife and five Romulus officers were charged today with running a scheme in which drug forfeiture money was used to pay for prostitutes, marijuana and alcohol.
The charges are the culmination of a nearly three-year investigation by Michigan State Police into what Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy called “a culture of corruption and greed at its core.”
Marijuana study of traumatized veterans stuck in regulatory limbo
In April, the Food and Drug Administration approved a first-of-its kind study to test whether marijuana can ease the nightmares, insomnia, anxiety and flashbacks common in combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.
But now another branch of the federal government has stymied the study. The Health and Human Services Department is refusing to sell government-grown marijuana to the nonprofit group proposing the research
More on this from Paul Armentano
Another episode of “Kids Say the Darndest Things, College Edition.” A first-year at Columbia writes Smoking Ignorance
Columbia students need to be aware that the very drug habits they see as recreational fund a war.
Um, no. Columbia students need to get politically active to stop the war. It is drug policy that funds the war.
It’s like saying “Young people need to stop having sex so we can do something about STDs.”
Ah, yes, because drug-free zones have worked so well… Pr. George’s seeks to create ‘prostitution-free zones’
The Prince George’s County Council is considering legislation that would create “prostitution-free zones” in the county, an effort police say could help eradicate prostitution from the county entirely.
Councilwoman Andrea Harrison, D-Bladensburg, introduced the bill, which would create areas similar in effect to drug-free zones near schools and playgrounds, she said.
The law apparently adds penalties for being caught congregating in a prostitution-free zone with the intent of engaging in a sex act. So be careful where you go on dates.
American marijuana growers could beat this war on drugs – interesting OpEd by Douglas Haddow
Clandestine grow-ops sown by industrial Americans could damage drug cartels more effectively than the US military
Buy American!
Anti-Drug Tsar Says, ‘Plant Cannabis’ – in Russia, the drug czar is suggesting that the country re-start a major hemp industry.
One of our readers will be on radio today debating a police officer on cannabis legalization (at 11 pm PDT). The debate will be downloadable here for the next week. You’ll need to understand the Estonian language, however.
Quick quiz… do you know where Estonia is? And did you now that it’s ranked #1 in the State of World Liberty Index as the most free country in the world?
Some things already discussed in comments, but worth a mention here…
Gary Johnson: Marijuana smokers may be ‘largest untapped voting bloc in the country’ at The Hill.
Pizza Delivery Guy Calls Cops on Customer For Smoking Pot — you might not want to patronize Papa John’s. There are plenty of other pizza places.
Montana objects to federal gun ban for medical marijuana users
Sheriff Wants Station To Stop Broadcasting Pot Raid Warnings