More Red Ribbon Antics

Prince George’s County (yes, that one).

Hats off?

Students learn irony by wearing hats to science class Oct. 26 during Hats Off to Being Drug-Free Day

Students at Concord Elementary School in District Heights created a human chain and released balloons Wednesday afternoon as part of a Red Ribbon Week celebration. […]

At Concord Elementary, the balloon release was “a way of cementing [students’] pledge to stay drug-free,” said Principal Carolyn Y. George-Remy. […]

Everyone from kindergarteners to eighth-grade students at Beltsville Academy donned hats, college T-shirts, and goofy socks with loud prints last week in response to themes such as “hats off to being drug-free” or “sock it to drugs.”

Columbus, Georgia

Students “too cool” for cocaine and other addictive drugs wore sunglasses to school Wednesday to “shade out” narcotics. […]

Fifth-graders at Fox Elementary School competed in a contest this week in which they wrote a rap song about being drug free

Students Form Giant Red Ribbon

Tuesday: “Sock it to Drugs” day when students wore “wacky socks.”

Wednesday: “Living Drug Free is no Sweat” day when they wore sweat pants.

Thursday: “Team Up Against Drugs” day when the kids were encouraged to wear gear from their favorite high school, college or pro sports team.

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Defying parody

Hair’s to a Drug-Free Life

Cleburne Firefighters Robert Willingham, Scott Lail and Eric Halvorson chose to join in with Gerard students for Thursday’s “Hair’s to a Drug-Free Life” Red Ribbon Week event, in creating crazy hairstyles to match those of the students.

Harlan, Iowa

Monday – “Be all you can be-Be Drug Free” Camouflage Day

Tuesday – “Say Peace OUT to Drugs” Tie Dye/Hippie Day

Wednesday – “Having good character is Jean’ius” Wear Jeans and your favorite Character Color

Thursday — Make good choices and your dreams will come true” Pajama day

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West Coast Thursday

If you’re in L.A., Thursday has some great stuff in store…

1) California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson and California NAACP director Alice Huffman will headline the opening plenary session at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference on Thursday, November 3 at 9:30 a.m.

2) NO MORE DRUG WAR: A Rally & Concert to End the War on Drugs at MacArthur Park on Thursday, November 3 at 6 p.m.

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Up is down

Sometimes I find myself speechless at the bizarre lengths some can go in the stupidity that they attempt to disseminate.

The latest is from some site called Full Disclosure, which has a press release and video story called “The Dark Side of Legalizing Marijuana

What caught my attention is this reference in their blurb to Los Angeles Sherriff’s Sgt. Richard Valdemar:

Valdemar predicts that eventual legalization of marijuana will corrupt California worse than what happened in Chicago in the days of Al Capone and prohibition.


My head hurts.

So… he’s saying that ending marijuana prohibition will be like the problems of having alcohol prohibition? Surely, they must have gotten that wrong.

Well, they did. Kind of.

It appears that Sgt. Voldemort Valdemar is actually saying that legalizing marijuana will be like the rise of Al Capone after the repeal of alcohol prohibition.

Valdemar in the video, actually claims that ending alcohol prohibition didn’t hurt Capone at all, and that ending marijuana prohibition will just mean a bigger industry for the cartels to control.

Now the lady doing the interview is such a ditz that I wouldn’t be surprised that she’d believe such nonsense. But anyone with brain cells?

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Open thread

We had a little problem yesterday where a regular’s posts got sucked up by the spam filter. This can happen sometimes and it’s hard to know why, but I am very much dependent on the extraordinary efforts of that filter. At this point, we’re up to around 88,000 spam comments each month at Drug WarRant.

I no longer have the time to check through them to see if something legitimate got swept in, so please, if you post something and it fails, please let me know so I can rescue it for you.


Our Real Drug Facts Week is now underway (to counter NIDA’s Drug Facts Week, and we’re getting our facts out in the Twittersphere. Even if you don’t tweet, you can check out all our tweets, and you can see all tweets marked with the #drugfacts2011 hashtag.

Via Radley Balko…

New Police Drone Near Houston Could Carry Weapons

A Houston area law enforcement agency is prepared to launch an unmanned drone that could someday carry weapons, Local 2 Investigates reported Friday.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office in Conroe paid $300,000 in federal homeland security grant money and Friday it received the ShadowHawk unmanned helicopter made by Vanguard Defense Industries of Spring.

What are they expecting? An alien invasion?

Gage said it will also be deployed for criminal investigations such as drug shipments.

“We’re not going to use it to be invading somebody’s privacy. It’ll be used for situations we have with criminals,” Gage said.

Oh, drugs.

And how do we know it won’t be abused?

“No matter what we do in law enforcement, somebody’s going to question it, but we’re going to do the right thing, and I can assure you of that,” [Sheriff Tommy Gage] said.


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What I’m reading

With Liberty and Justice for SomeGlenn Greenwald has a new book out: “With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law is Used To Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful.”

I haven’t completely finished it yet, but I highly recommend it based on what I’ve already read. Greenwald is one of the very best political writers today and he truly understands the dangers of unchecked government power (wielded by any party).

He makes powerful arguments about how the law has become a tool to increase the gap between the fortunate and unfortunate (through shielding the elite from accountability while constantly increasing criminal justice penalties for the average person), and spends a fair amount of time discussing the involvement of the war on drugs.

It’s a powerful book that shows that the war on drugs, as a means to a political end, is not happening in a vacuum (which is something we’ve already known and is brought home once again on this 10th anniversary of the Patriot Act), but is rather part of a much larger and wider power grab.

Important reading.

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News flash – people protect their jobs

There’s an AP story circulating out there with the headline: Addiction docs restate anti-marijuana stance

My reaction was… Well, of course they do. It’s like saying “Meat packers restate anti-vegan stance.” Duh.

If the addiction industry lost all the criminal justice referrals for marijuana “addiction,” they’d be out a ton of easy money and have to focus on the much harder cases that often are less likely to have money to pay.

It’s sort of like… if the DEA didn’t have medical marijuana to bust, they might have to do some real investigative work.

And once again, Kevin Sabet is quoted. Who is paying him to be a media source?

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White House answers pot petitions, LEAP responds

Late Friday, the White House answered the top-vote-getting petition and seven other marijuana petitions in one response (Friday afternoon is traditionally considered a good time to “dump the trash” — put out a bunch of stuff they have to release but don’t want to have noticed much, just before the weekend.)

LEAP has already responded

Late Friday night the White House issued a typical evasive rejection of the several marijuana legalization petitions that collected more signatures than any other issue on its “We the People” website. Even though recent polls show that more voters support marijuana legalization than approve of President Obama’s job performance, the White House categorically dismissed the notion of reforming any laws, focusing its response on the possible harms of marijuana use instead of addressing the many harms of prohibition detailed in the petitions. […]

“It’s maddening that the administration wants to continue failed prohibition polices that do nothing to reduce drug use and succeed only in funneling billions of dollars into the pockets of the cartels and gangs that control the illegal market,” said Franklin, who serves as executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), a group of cops, judges and prosecutors who support legalizing and regulating drugs. “If the president and his advisers think they’re being politically savvy by shying away from much-needed change to our drug policies, they’re wrong. The recent Gallup poll shows that more Americans support legalizing marijuana than support continuing prohibition, so the administration is clearly out of step with the people it claims to represent. President Obama needs to remember his campaign pledge not to waste scarce resources interfering with state marijuana laws and his earlier statement about the ‘utter failure’ of the drug war.”

Five of the top 10 petitions on the “We the People” site are about some aspect of marijuana or drug policy reform. The eight marijuana petitions that the White House’s Friday rejection was intended to address have collectively garnered more than 150,00 signatures.

Good job by LEAP.

Again, nothing surprising in the pathetic petition “answer” by Gil Kerlikowske.

According to scientists at the National Institutes of Health- the world’s largest source of drug abuse research – marijuana use is associated with addiction, respiratory disease, and cognitive impairment. We know from an array of treatment admission information and Federal data that marijuana use is a significant source for voluntary drug treatment admissions and visits to emergency rooms. Studies also reveal that marijuana potency has almost tripled over the past 20 years, raising serious concerns about what this means for public health – especially among young people who use the drug because research shows their brains continue to develop well into their 20’s. Simply put, it is not a benign drug.

And then he talked about the “balanced” approach, which is his nonsense mantra to deflect any criticism.

Again, this is nothing more than we expected. Nobody expected that we would put in a petition and the government would stop in their tracks and say “Oh, my. I never realized that. We need to stop this injustice immediately.”

It’s all about having one more option to promote a national discussion (as LEAP has nicely contributed with their release).

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Careful with what’s growing in your vegetables

Classic. 1927 New York Times (via Radley Balko)

Reefer Madness

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Drug Facts

Next week is Drug Facts Week, an event organized by NIDA supposedly to promote facts, but in actuality more to promote propaganda.

So we have our own counter version at, which I’ve been advertising on Google (as well as on this site), and it’s gotten some pretty good hits, particularly lately. To take a page from their social marketing plans, I plan on doing some tweeting and facebooking of drug facts and getting others to do so during this week.

Give me your best facts. Real facts. Both drug facts and drug war facts. Ideally, these should be 98 characters or less including spaces (in order to tweet it and provide the appropriate link and hashtag). Short and sweet.

Examples (you don’t have to give me the character count — these are just to give you an idea of the approximate length you should aim for):

Fact: Most marijuana users never use any other illicit drug. What gateway? (74 characters)

The largest study (by NIDA) showed no increased risk of cancer for even heavy marijuana smokers. (97 characters)

And go.

Update: Give me a source link, when possible. I’m going to list these at the drug facts site and have links to the sources of info.

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