If this doesn’t bring out the concern trolls, I don’t know what will. Often when I write about Kevin Sabet, I get some concern troll comments, usually saying that I shouldn’t be so mean to Kevin (while calling me childish).
For instance, in this post where I merely pointed out the pointlessness of Kevin commenting in a Reuters article about what Eric Holder might think about something, I got comments like:
Pete, your jerkishness and name calling to Kevin is inappropriate.I don’t like his policies but lay off the personal attacks.
and “another” commenter
Dude, you are guys are so angry at Kevin but you should direct your ire at DEA. you’re such little children sometimes
If they didn’t like what I said in that post, they’re going to love the title of this one.
First, I need to take a moment to apologize… to all the honest hard-working whores out there, for being compared to Kevin Sabet.
Let’s take a look at Kevin’s latest: In 3 views on whether states should legalize marijuana in the Christian Science Monitor, Kevin takes the “middle” ground (opposing legalization, but calling for that unattainable “kinder and gentler” prohibition).
This was right near the top:
Marijuana should not be sold on the open market. Legal alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs kill more than 500,000 people a year.
It’s hard to get any more blatant than that in your lying. Kevin knows full well that marijuana is entirely different in death risk than the other drugs. He is intentionally putting that in there to lie to you.
The thing is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t even think it was a lie. After all, he could claim, the first sentence is merely a viewpoint and the second sentence can be backed up with fact.
The ONDCP has long loved to use this kind of lie, as if the technical structure of sentences defined lies, as opposed to attempts to decieve.
It’s like a young man telling his father that he want to apply for a position with the Department of Education, and his father says “Whoa, you’d better think that over. After all, over 1,000 people die each year in the armed services and that’s a federal agency too.”
The fact that Kevin Sabet is a public figure who trades on his connections to get into the media and lie to people in order to pursue a political agenda makes him a dishonest whore, which makes the title of my post merely factual.
And boy, is he ever in the media. It seems like he’s constantly being quoted as the poster boy for anti-legalization, and he churns out completely meaningless columns, like this one where he seems to argue that since politicians from both major parties have supported prohibition, legalization isn’t the answer, and this widely ridiculed article: Legalization is not the answer.
Let’s return to the Christian Science Monitor piece for one other comment. Sabet writes: “…big tobacco showed that legal industries can play down harmful health effects of their products.”
As opposed to illegal industries? The argument there appears to be that we shouldn’t legalize marijuana becuase legally regulated companies can’t be trusted to not poison it… so we need to keep distribution in the hands of the trustworthy drug trafficking organizations! Right.
Look, I realize that even some drug policy reform supporters may be uncomfortable with phrases like “Kevin Sabet, dishonest whore,” but remember that this is Drug WarRant, not the New York Times.
To be honest, I don’t do justice to the insulting that should occur.
I would like you to read a letter written by Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe to a politician who needed a wake-up call: They Won’t Magically Turn You Into a Lustful CockMonster: Chis Kluwe explains gay marriage to the politician who is offended by an NFL player supporting it. It’s a different topic, but Chris Kluwe says it right.