“bullet” Richmond, Virginia prosecutors and police plan to start seizing houses where they find drug activity and selling them off, even if the owner wasn’t directly involved. But there’s a catch.
But officials said seizing a house under the forfeiture law, a civil proceeding, can be a time-consuming and complex process.
Oh, gee, you mean you have to go through, like, procedures and stuff before you can take someone’s home?
“bullet” Dan Gardner has a good column in the Ottawa Citizen: We Can Score One For The Naysayers. He reminds the U.N. of their specific plans for a drug free world by 2008.
In 1998, Pino Arlacchi said the naysayers were wrong. Give it 10 more years, he said.
We did. The naysayers were right. And it’s well past time those who make a living pursuing this mad policy were held to account.
“bullet” The Washington Post has a really bad OpEd by long-time drug warriors J. Michael Walsh and Robert L. DuPont (yes, that one): The Drugged Driving Epidemic. It is a hopeless piece of dreck, using bad science, anecdote, and irrelevant data to proclaim an epidemic that doesn’t exist, all to support their drug testing and related businesses. (Interestingly, Walsh’s group lists both the ONDCP and the Washington post as their clients.)
“bullet” The anti-pot pill turns out to be a pretty stupid idea. (We could have told you that.)
Apparently, blocking the natural cannabinoid receptors in your body leads to depression, nausea, vomiting, and suicidal tendencies, among others side effects (possibly including central nervous system damage). And why were they creating this pill? For weight loss.
Ultimately, in the eyes of the FDA, a healthy body needs all the “pot” it can get.
(That last line in the story is got to be stinging the FDA right now.)