Here’s a stupid idea

Let’s put Chris Christie in charge of a drug commission devoted to opioid abuse.

Washington Post (via Tom Angell):

The White House Office of American Innovation, to be led by Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, will operate as its own nimble power center within the West Wing and will report directly to Trump. Viewed internally as a SWAT team of strategic consultants, the office will be staffed by former business executives and is designed to infuse fresh thinking into Washington, float above the daily political grind and create a lasting legacy for a president still searching for signature achievements. […]

The office will also focus on combating opioid abuse, a regular emphasis for Trump on the campaign trail. The president later this week plans to announce an official drug commission devoted to the problem that will be chaired by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R). He has been working informally on the issue for several weeks with Kushner, despite reported tension between the two.

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41 Responses to Here’s a stupid idea

  1. Keith says:

    Because the world needs more SWAT teams, right? Can’t wait to hear what types of counterproductive measures we will be taking against the drug crisis of the moment.

    • Tony Aroma says:

      Why not? Did you know that NASA and the Dept. of Education, among others, have SWAT teams? I can just imagine them kicking down doors for unpaid student loans.

  2. NorCalNative says:

    I’m sure opium growers Johnson & Johnson of New Jersey are thrilled their guy is on board.

  3. Putting Chris Christie in charge of a drug commission devoted to opioid abuse ranks right up there with the stupid idea of having Jeff Sessions as AG.

    A drug commission devoted to opioid abuse should be manned by harm reduction advocates and other people who have no prohibitionistic ulterior motives.

    Having Christie there makes it a grand political sham.

  4. jean valjean says:

    Trump and Christie….as fine a pair of mob-connected hoodlums as New York and New Jersey ever produced. I love the smell of impeachment in the morning.

  5. Date Set Match says:

    The Canadian government plans to introduce legislation in April that would legalize recreational marijuana by July 1, 2018, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp

    • primus says:

      I tried this link, twice, and it froze my computer both times. Recommend not using link until fixed.

      • DdC says:

        The link works on this old laptop that has trouble with several sites. Telling me my browzer needs updating due to its old age and apps that say its too damn old to update. Some I have to switch access from basic page to No style in the view menu. Does ok most places.

        Canada to introduce legislationton to legalize weed by July 2018:
        State broadcaster

        Or a few more places at google

        The Economist March 28th 1992:
        “Medicines often produce side effects.
        Sometimes they are physically unpleasant.
        Cannabis too has discomforting side effects,
        but these are not physical, they are political”

        WTF is Trudie up too?

        ☛ Liberal-Lies:
        Pot Tsars, Profit Shares and Project Gator’s Death Roll

        The USA Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy 1987
        “Cannabis can be used on an episodic but continual basis without evidence of social or psychic dysfunction. In many users the term dependence with its obvious connotations, probably is mis-applied… The chief opposition to the drug rests on a moral and political, and not toxicologic, foundation”.

        ☛ Jodie Emery Forced to Divest from Cannabis Culture Following Release

        The Kaiser Permanente study
        “Marijuana Use and Mortality” April 1997 American Journal of Public Health”.”Relatively few adverse clinical effects from the chronic use of marijuana have been documented in humans. However, the criminalization of marijuana use may itself be a health hazard, since it may expose the users to violence and criminal activity.”

        ☛ Manitoba, Canada Preparing for Cannabis Legalization with Road Safety Rules

        U.S. Department of Transportation,
        National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
        (DOT HS 808 078) , Final Report, November 1993:

        “THC’s adverse effects on driving performance
        appear relatively small”

        Still following Big Bro?

        ☛ Canada’s Supremes Cower Under DEAth Threats – 12/24/03

        Professor Olaf Drummer,
        Forensic Scientist the Royal College of Surgeons in Melbourne in 1996

        “:Compared to alcohol, which makers people take more risks on the road, marijuana made drivers slow down and drive more carefully…. Cannabis is good for driving skills, as people tend to overcompensate for a perceived impairment.”:

        So for a half a century they torment and terrorize. Cage and kill and take people’s homes and children. Now they fight tooth and nail to keep the lies behind it alive. Then they drool over taxes and can’t wait to over regulate the safest substance in the whole damn pharmacopeia. All based on Nixon bigots and racist authoritarian’s lies and omissions. Profits on People in cages doing slave labor for corporations. Now after proving its safe they give cops license to profile bumper stickers and give $2 pisstasters a sample. Punished for metabolites with no connection to impairment. Racist Round Up. It’s contagious.

  6. Servetus says:

    Of all the failed leadership stalking the world due to clueless and incompetent business executives, none is so troublesome as that which is sometimes found within family-owned businesses such as that of Donald J. Trump.

    Family businesses will recruit the son-in-law who was previously chained to a post in the attic, or the nephew everyone expected to end up on death row. The recruits may be expected to run the company, as it’s believed the alleged magic of a job will reform the incompetent clansman. Ineptitude shadows the choice, manifesting itself through authoritarian styles of leadership that include lying, cheating, stealing, and a lack of foresight. Outsourcing solutions to business problems becomes necessary, as the management within wouldn’t recognize a technical solution to a problem were it to run them down in the street. Trump’s selection of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to tackle the nation’s opioid problems embraces this futile leadership model.

    Imposing a family business model onto American government will lead to the types of authoritarian mismanagement already personified by Chris Christie as governor. As with Christie’s bridge, the consequences can be grim. For example, beginning in the 1970s, inferior quality US products, many produced by family businesses, created a purchasing exodus for American consumers seeking higher quality foreign-made goods at comparable prices.

    The consequences also point to a possible solution. Once Trump & Co. proves itself a total failure, US citizens may want to outsource their government from the Netherlands.

  7. LesBarker says:

    Oh, what did Del-a-smoke boy, what did Delasmoke
    What did Del-a-smoke boy, what did Delasmoke
    She smoked a big fat doobie
    She smoked a big fat doobie
    She smoked a big fat doobie
    That’s what she did smoke

  8. Spirit Wave says:

    Hmmmmmm. My ‘out on a limb’ prediction is this “brilliant think tank” will come up with (drum roll)… more selfishly retarded drug war solely to enrich thugs in the “land of the free”.

  9. Mike says:

    Sec. 15. sets money aside for study for Vets.

  10. Servetus says:

    PROPAGANDA ALERT: A study at Concordia College looked at older, unconfirmed US and Canadian studies on young people’s marijuana use in order to reinforce debunked anti-marijuana propaganda collected in their overview of the literature:

    Montreal, March 28, 2017 — For the study, McIntosh and his co-author Rawan Hassunah (BA 16) examined the results of three national surveys on tobacco, alcohol and drug use — two in Canada and one in the United States.

    “We wanted to see what the effects of regular marijuana use were on self-reported physical and mental health,” McIntosh explains.

    The report cites other studies demonstrating the negative impacts of marijuana. It’s the first, however, to look so closely at age of first use.

    In terms of overall effects, the study confirmed that marijuana does affect people’s physical and mental health, that it will cause cognitive impairment, memory loss, diminished IQ, limited educational success and likelihood for developing mental illness. Physically, early users also suffer higher rates of respiratory diseases and certain cancers.

    McIntosh says the younger you start, the worse the impacts.

    “We found that if age of first use is below 15, it’s always bad for you.”

    AAAS Public Release: Early use of marijuana can increase its negative health impacts

    Citing marijuana as a cause of health problems and mental dysfunctions ignores the idea that consumers of any age can find cannabis useful as self-medication for a host of social and health related problems. As a counter-example, a study in the UK found that the poor are more likely to smoke tobacco and less likely to quit. Does that mean tobacco causes poverty? None of the tobacco study’s authors claimed it did. Few would make such a claim, yet when casting about for reasons to prohibit marijuana, such presumptions are often de rigueur.

    • DdC says:

      World Renowned University Sets Up Lab For Research On Medical Marijuana
      Biomedical research is teaming up with the University of Oxford to set up a lab to research the effects of medical marijuana on various health conditions. The school’s Cannabis Research Plan will study the use of cannabinoids to treat cancer, inflammatory diseases, neurological disorders, and pain.

    • DC Reade says:

      “We found that if age of first use is below 15, it’s always bad for you.”

      1) It can’t be that simple: it’s highly unlikely that negative consequences are guaranteed when the number of times of ingestion is limited, i.e., “experimental use”.

      2) Did the researchers include any users of marijuana at regulated and supervised doses for medical purposes under the age of 15 in their study, or was this all clandestine use?

      3)I’m inclined to oppose any drug use by people before they reach full maturity, which is apparently somewhere between the age of 18 and 23. But I doubt that marijuana smoking is more harmful than binging on alcohol.

      4)It was easier to obtain illegal marijuana than age-regulated legal alcohol when I was in high school- the retail pot market was staffed by my fellow students! Teenage kids! That was 35 years ago. Has the situation changed since then? Well, it’s gotten harder for underage kids to buy alcohol…

      5) If you want fewer teenage kids to have ready access to pot, then legalize it, make it inexpensive enough to dismantle the illegal trade, and enforce age restrictions like those for alcohol and tobacco.

      6) The corollary of the finding that drug use produces its most negative impacts on the youngest users is that the negative impacts are substantially lessened if one delays their use until after reaching adulthood.

      7) There’s a difference between teenage drug use and adult drug use, and American criminalization policy treats it in exactly the wrong way.

      American pot offenders under the age of 18- including dealers- face minimal penalties for getting involved with drugs while underage, and their juvenile justice records are sealed. By contrast: after they turn 18, pot-smoking American adults face a dire escalation of criminal penalties: an array of legal and occupational consequences that can potentially derail their entire lives. Many, many adults are vulnerable to having their permanent employment record damaged beyond repair.

      That policy sends a plain message- from a legal standpoint, the safest course for someone curious about mind-altering substances is to sample as many as possible, as much as possible, as soon as possible, before reaching age 18.

      Drug War logic. Is this a system?

      • Servetus says:

        It was easier to obtain illegal marijuana than age-regulated legal alcohol when I was in high school…

        Let’s face it, it was easier to buy acid than booze 35 years ago.

      • DdC says:

        ~ Any research is false science using Mississippi Schwag, or hearsay polling kids. Different strains, different experiences. Prohibition profits continue to be the causal connection between harm and Cannabis. Anyone who thinks paying government agencies to lie to the people 5 decades is even sane. Is probably sitting in Congress writing drug policy or working for Drumpf.

        ☛ What the WHO doesn’t want you to know about cannabis
        HEALTH officials in Geneva have suppressed the publication of a politically sensitive analysis that confirms what ageing hippies have known for decades: cannabis is safer than alcohol or tobacco.

        Any projections or predictions have been used for 5 decades and have not panned out. Continuing is wasteful and harmful. = Profits on treating the harmed. With Pharmaceuticals or Prisons and Reprogramming Asylums for the Plea Bargains.

        ☛ Ganja mothers, ganja babies
        Our last issue featured an interview with Dr Melanie Dreher, a highly-respected academician and researcher who is probably the world’s foremost authority on ganja use in Jamaica. That interview contained a general overview of Dreher’s 25 years of Jamaican research, while this article will explore what she found out about uses of ganja by Jamaican women and children.

        Dreher’s research is interesting and relevant because it challenges the prevailing notion that all drug use during pregnancy is bad for children. Ironically, some of Dreher’s findings suggest that ganja use by mothers during pregnancy, and by their children after birth, might actually be good for children.

        All medical and police groups are bound by the CSA that is based on politics. Until people deal with that, the unnecessary symptoms treated for $billions is inevitable. Cop Unions and Pharma lobbies fight to cause stress and anxiety on the American people. 5 decades

        ☛ The DEA scheduling system has no scientific basis at all

        Other studies have purported to find similar problems, but Dreher notes that such studies suffer from the same problems that most marijuana studies suffer from. These problems include incorrect assumptions of cause and effect, failure to account for use of other drugs (such as tobacco, alcohol, and cocaine), and unequal comparisons between users from differing socioeconomic groups and lifestyles.

        No Medical School teaches the ECS. All cops are taught the CSA is law, even if state law prohibits them from enforcing it. Politicians rely on Cops and Docs as experts to write policy. 5 decades.

        Trillions of dollars are at stake treating the drug war, especially keeping out Hemp. There is no logic in immoral unethical profiteers doing anything for the benefit of the people. For 5 decades.

        ☛ Prenatal Marijuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica:
        An Ethnographic Study

        Although no positive or negative neurobehavioral effects of prenatal exposure were found at 3 days of life using the Brazelton examination, there were significant differences between the exposed and nonexposed neonates at the end of the first month. Comparing the two groups, the neonates of mothers who used marijuana showed better physiological stability at 1 month and required less examiner facilitation to reach an organized state and become available for social stimulation.

        The results of the comparison of neonates of the heavy-marijuana-using mothers and those of the nonusing mothers were even more striking. The heavily exposed neonates were more socially responsive and were more autonomically stable at 30 days than their matched counterparts. The quality of their alertness was higher; their motor and autonomic systems were more robust; they were less irritable; they were less likely to demonstrate any imbalance of tone; they needed less examiner facilitation to become organized; they had better self-regulation; and were judged to be more rewarding for caregivers than the neonates of nonusing mothers at 1 month of age.

  11. DdC says:

    A Senate committee is investigating whether practices at five of the top makers of opioids in the United States fueled an epidemic of painkiller abuse that has led to the fatal overdoses of tens of thousands of Americans.

    ☛ Opioid epidemic:
    Senate committee opens probe of five big painkiller makers

    The companies are Purdue Pharma, Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen division, Insys, Mylan and Depomed. McCaskill is the ranking Democrat on the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

    ☛ Sen. Claire McCaskill opens probe of opioid drugmakers

    A top Senate Democrat is investigating the role drug companies may have played in fueling the nation’s opioid addiction epidemic.

    Hello, Hello, Hello.
    Is there anybody in there?
    Just nod if you can hear me.
    Is there anyone home?

    Come on, now.
    I hear youre feeling down.
    Well I can ease your pain,
    Get you on your feet again.

    ☛ Legalize marijuana and reduce deaths from drug abuse | TheHill

    However, the data tell us that there is a possible deterrent to growing opioid addiction that has shown real promise: the wholesale legalization of marijuana.

    Several states have made the drug legal in some form for over a decade — whether via medical marijuana or, more recently, the outright legalization of the drug — and the data generated from these state-level experiments suggests that the easier it is to acquire marijuana, the less opioid abuse there is.

    For instance, in 2014, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center found that opioid overdose deaths decreased by nearly 25 percent in a state following the passage of medical marijuana laws.

    A recently published study by the RAND Corporation also found a decrease in opioid addiction and overdoses in states with medical marijuana dispensaries.

    University of Michigan published a retrospective survey of 244 patients suffering from chronic pain who frequented medical marijuana dispensaries and discovered that they frequently substituted medical marijuana for opiates, with many of them judging medical marijuana as being more effective at treating chronic pain.

    Medical marijuana use was associated with a 64 percent decrease in opioid use, as well as a reduction in the amount and severity of the side effects of medications and an improved quality of life.

    ☛ Legalizing Marijuana Decreases Fatal Opiate Overdoses,
    Study Shows

    Over the past two decades, deaths from drug overdoses have become the leading cause of injury death in the United States. In 2011, 55 percent of drug overdose deaths were related to prescription medications; 75 percent of those deaths involved opiate painkillers.

    However, researchers found that opiate-related deaths decreased by approximately 33 percent in 13 states in the following six years after medical marijuana was legalized.

    ☛ Overdoses Fell with Medical Marijuana Legalization –

    Using state-level death certificate data from 1999 to 2010, my colleagues and I found that the annual rate of opioid overdose deaths decreased substantially — by 25 percent on average — following the passage of medical marijuana laws, compared to states that still had bans.

  12. Servetus says:

    Joseph A. Califano Jr., founder and former chairman of the infamously ineffective National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASAColumbia), and his wife Hilary, were yelled at in public by Senator Chuck Schumer because Hilary Califano voted for Donald Trump:

    March 28, 2017 — …Schumer allegedly “caused a scene” at smart Upper East Side Manhattan restaurant Sette Mezzo when, according to Page Six, he began “yelling” at a connected Trump supporter that the president is “a liar.”

    Witnesses said that prior to losing his cool, Schumer was dining quietly with friends.

    But then he encountered Joseph A. Califano Jr.—the former U.S. secretary of health, education and welfare under President Jimmy Carter—and his wife, Hilary.

    Page Six says Schumer was apparently “incensed” that Hilary had voted for Trump, even though her husband is a well-known Democrat.

    A witness told Page Six: “They are a highly respected couple, and Schumer made a scene, yelling, ‘She voted for Trump!’ The Califanos left the restaurant, but Schumer followed them outside.”

    The column claims Schumer continued berating the couple on the sidewalk, saying:
    “How could you vote for Trump? He’s a liar!”

    Hilary appeared to confirm the confrontation, telling Page Six, “Sen. Schumer was really rude… He’s our senator, and I don’t really like him. Yes, I voted for Trump. Schumer joined us outside and he told me Trump was a liar. I should have told him that Hillary Clinton was a liar, but I was so surprised I didn’t say anything.”[…]

    • DdC says:

      First time I ever wanted to thank Schumer.
      But then he failed to confront both Califano Jr’s on their destruction of lives with their anti pot agenda in CA. I will add them onto my Nixon, Anslinger list of people who’s graves I plan to piss on.

      Getting upset over Trump lies is pretty time consuming.
      What hasn’t he lied about?

    • DdC says:

      ☛ ONDCP
      willing to sacrifice public safety to push political agenda March 14th, 2015 by Pete

      At this session, Richard Baum, International Policy Branch Chief at ONDCP made some remarkable statements, as reported by CND Blog (Note: CND Blog reports as events happen at the sessions and paraphrases the statements made, so this is not an exact quote. I’d be happy to post any clarifications or corrections.)

      Richard Baum , ONDCP, US

      This is an important issue because it is a factor that affects people’s lives in many ways. We’re all at consensus within drug policy that we want our families to be safe on the roads, so it’s good that we can come together and work on this issue collectively.

      In the US, we have a problem with drug driving and an irony is that drunk driving is relatively less of a problem. In 2014 a survey found that 8 percent of people on the road had alcohol in their systems. 21 percent had three or more drugs in their system. [emphasis added]

      But here’s the really outrageous point. Baum is indicating that drunk driving is “less of a problem” than drugged driving.

      And, of course, that’s ridiculous. There’s no doubt that drunk driving is a much more serious problem than driving while testing positive for other drugs. That has been noted clearly by the NHTSA (pdf)

      Here are the relative risks of crashes based on the drug used: continued

      ☛ Trump Administration Responsible
      for Establishing National Marijuana Impairment Standard

      In December, President Obama signed a bill called the “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), putting the U.S. Department of Transportation in charge of investigating possible approaches for detecting marijuana impairment along the great American landscape.

      ☛ Donald Trump on “Big Problems” With CO Pot Laws,
      Flip-Flop on Legalizing Drugs

      ☛ Cannabis use and Driving
      ~ Cannabis Users Are Safer Drivers Than Non-Users, New Study Shows
      ~ Where medical pot is legal, fatal car crashes often decline
      ~ Oregon: Marijuana and driving:
      What you need to know (FAQs)

    • DdC says:

      Trump’s choice to deal with the drug problem is Dick Baum?

  13. DdC says:

    “Crude” whole plant formulations seem to work better than synthetic single-molecule ones. Take that, Big Pharma!

    ☛ The DEA claims that synthetic THC is safer than the natural stuff in regular marijuana

    ☛ More Proof That Synthetic Medical Marijuana Pales in Comparison to the Real Thing
    A groundbreaking study from Israel has documented the superior therapeutic properties of whole plant CBD-rich Cannabis extract as compared to synthetic, single-molecule cannabidiol (CBD).

    ☛ Synthetic THC Pills or Whole Plant Cannabis?
    In recent years, the whole plant “synergistic shotgun” approach has gained ground over the single ingredient “silver bullet” method. One of the most important distinctions between synthetic THC and whole plant cannabis is the presence of CBD. CBD antagonizes THC by competing to fill the cannabinoid receptor site. Doctors have been distributing synthetic THC pills (Marinol, Cesamet, Nabilone) for decades, now patients and scientists agree that CBD and other cannabinoid compounds play an essential role in the beneficial effects of whole plant cannabis.

    Is The DEA Legalizing THC? 2009
    So, in other words, if a pharmaceutical product contains THC extracted from the marijuana plant, that would be a legal commodity. But if you or I possessed THC extracted from the marijuana plant, that would remain an illegal commodity.

    ☛ Drug Worriers preferred methods of treatment

    ☛ Drug Czar is Required by Law to Lie

    SYNTHETIC THC – Marinol
    At the 10th International Conference on Drug Policy, 1996, USA John P Morgan MD, Professor of Pharmacology, City University of New York Medical School, said of Marinol, the synthetic THC marketed in the States, “In a recent study, the scientists gave patients 20 mg of Marinol by mouth to see if it increased their appetite. Not only could they not detect much appetite-increasing effect, but they learned the interesting fact that, in one-third of people who take Marinol by mouth, you have no blood levels at all. The drug is so poorly bio-available it’s surprising that it got onto the market. There may well be some reason to believe that there are individuals in our government who are interested in getting Marinol on the market to diminish the pressure for marijuana smokers.”

  14. Servetus says:

    Just as Big Pharma feels comfortably profitable with their extensive line of sleep inducing drugs and products, along comes an economically disruptive herb, Ashwagandha, which again, like marijuana, challenges the Big Pharma/FDA paradigm concerning who gets to use what kinds of medicines and how:

    30-MAR-2017 — Sleeplessness and other sleep disorders such as restless leg syndrome are common complaints among the middle-aged population. Insomnia is one of the most common neuropsychiatric disorders, with an estimated incident of 10-15% in general population and 30-60% in elderly population. It is closely linked with certain other diseases including obesity, cardiovascular diseases, depression, anxiety, mania deficits etc. Currently available synthetic drugs often show severe side effects. On the other hand, Ashwagandha crude powder including the significant amount of TEG can be consumed for better sleep without any side effects. The findings in this study could revolutionize the natural plant-based therapies for insomnia and sleep related disorders.

    However, the clinical application of TEG to treat insomnia is still in the immature status, because the TEG is primarily used for industrial purposes and very little is known about its applicability and toxicity to biological systems. Further studies will thus be needed to confirm the safety of TEG.

    According to the authors, they are currently evaluating the effect of TEG administration on stress, because Ashwagandha is believed to mitigate stress and correct imbalances of various nervous systems. Future studies also include the identification of the target brain area of TEG, its BBB permeability and the mechanism through which TEG induces sleep.


    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a central herb in Ayurveda, the traditional home medicine native to India.[…]

    This study was conducted in collaboration with Renu Wadhwa and Sunil Kaul of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.

    AAAS Public Release: Sleep-inducing herb: The key component identified

    With the exception of arterial ligations, medical science in India circa 1000 BCE was more advanced than Western medicine until about the 1930s CE. For instance, the menthol eucalyptus cough drop originated in India.

  15. Servetus says:

    Researchers at the University of British Columbia have identified the genetic components of marijuana that give the herb its aromas and flavors:

    29-MAR-2017…[Jörg] Bohlmann, graduate student Judith Booth, and Jonathan Page, an adjunct professor in the botany department who founded the cannabis testing and biotechnology company Anandia Labs…found about 30 terpene synthase genes that contribute to diverse flavors in cannabis. This number is comparable to similar genes that play a role in grapevine flavor for the wine industry. The genes the researchers discovered play a role in producing natural products like limonene, myrcene, and pinene in the cannabis plants. These fragrant molecules are generally known in the industry as terpenes.

    “The limonene compound produces a lemon-like flavor and myrcene produces the dank, earthy flavor characteristic of purple kush,” said Booth….They also found a gene that produces the signature terpene of cannabis, beta-caryophyllene, which interacts with cannabinoid receptors in human cells along with other active ingredients in cannabis.

    Bohlmann says the economic potential of a regulated cannabis industry is huge, but a current challenge is that growers are working with a crop that is not well standardized and highly variable for its key natural product profiles…”There is a need for high-quality and consistent products made from well-defined varieties.” he said.

    The researchers say it will also be important to examine to what extent terpene compounds might interact with the cannabinoid compounds such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that confer the medicinal properties of cannabis.

    AAAS Public Release: Researchers identify genes that give cannabis its flavor

    Original Publication:

    • DdC says:

      Ignorant Jeff
      Miner’s Lullaby
      Drug Overdoses & MMJ

      • DdC says:

        Any change is resisted because bureaucrats
        have a vested interest in the chaos in which they exist.
        – Richard Milhouse Nixon

        ☛ There’s only one way to end the opioid epidemic,
        and the White House isn’t talking about it

        You see, what was discussed by the commission isn’t just a plan in its early stages; it’s a clear step in the wrong direction.

        Sean Spicer, blamed the crisis on “cheap heroin”

        He framed the battle against the epidemic as one for the Drug Enforcement Administration and law enforcement.

        If Trump isn’t going after big business, he’s not going after this problem. Period.

        Of course, the ways a White House policy could deflect blame for the opioid crisis away from the pharma companies have been out in the ether for a while, and no one has articulated them better than Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

        Manchin also called marijuana the gateway drug to opioids.

        This is a joke, and it’s an insult to the people whose “gateway” to addiction was a doctor who said these medications would be safe.

        “You can’t depend on the man
        who made the mess to clean it up.”
        – Richard Nixon

      • DdC says:

        Gottlieb described the FDA as “complicit, even if unwittingly,” in helping to fuel the opioid epidemic. Officials, he said, “didn’t fully recognize the scope of the emerging problem” several years ago and needed a new strategy to combat the issues involved.

        ☛ Trump to select Scott Gottlieb,
        a physician with deep drug-industry ties, to run the FDA

        ☛ Drug firms poured 780M painkillers
        into WV amid rise of overdoses

        ☛ FDA nominee Scott Gottlieb says nation’s opioid crisis
        is as serious as Ebola, Zika threats

        ~ Legalize marijuana and reduce deaths from drug abuse
        ~ Legalizing Marijuana Decreases Fatal Opiate Overdoses,
        ~ Overdoses Fell with Medical Marijuana Legalization

        ☛ Endocannabinoids

        ~ Cannabis and Ebola
        Chemicals in marijuana may be useful in fighting MRSA, a kind of staph bacterium that is resistant to certain antibiotics. Researchers in Italy and the U.K. tested five major marijuana chemicals called cannabinoids on different strains of MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). All five showed germ-killing activity against the MRSA strains in lab tests.

        ~ Smoking Marijuana Can Protect You From Ebola
        Cannabinoids in marijuana have gained more and more of a reputation as a way to control and aid one’s immune systems, specifically with diseases that target a body’s natural defense measures against viruses, like HIV. Dr. David B. Allen, medical director of Cannabis Sativa, Inc, and Brad Morehouse, founder of, both believe cannabis can combat Ebola in the same way.

        ~ Endocannabinoids Treating Swine Flu, Avian Flu, and Ebola
        by Down-Regulating the Inflammatory Response with Cannabinoids
        Steve Kubby facebook

        ☛ No medical schools have a department of
        endocannabinoid science or an ECS director.

  16. Mike says:

    Chris will be in Chicago on Fri. 30 Mar. for book tour/

  17. Servetus says:

    Argentina just approved medical marijuana, joining Colombia, Uruguay and Chile; making the respective South American countries more medically advanced than states in the US which still lack medical marijuana options:

    And…they’re coming for your hair. Thousands of people possess incriminating hair and don’t know it. Shaving it all off can keep party people safe from their government:

    AAAS Public Release: Hair testing shows high prevalence of new psychoactive substance use: Over a fourth of the eighty samples tested positive for new psychoactive substances among NYC nightclub/festival attendees – New York University.

    • DdC says:

      Straight, curly, fuzzy, snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty. Oily, greasy, fleecy, shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen. Knotted, polka dotted, twisted, beaded, braided. Powdered, flowered and confettied. Bangled, tangled, spangled and spahettied. New Acting Like Drug Czar Dick Baum prefers tasting pi$$.

      ONDCPharma Drug Biz Czar Dick Baum
      Says Give Me a Head with Hair

      Chris Chrispie got all ga-ga at the go-go when he was given an honorary toga made of confiscated blond, brilliantined, biblical hair like Jesus,

      Trump was ask why Dick Baum? He said Chrispie let it fly in the breeze and it got caught in the trees. Trump went on to say, “As present resident my top agenda is to give a home to the fleas, in my hair. A home for fleas, a hive for the buzzing bees. A nest for birds, there ain’t no words. For the beauty, splendor, the wonder of my hair.

  18. DdC says:

    The War on Drugs has impacted the lives of countless students who have had to give up on higher education after being busted for a marijuana-related offense.

    Poll: Have Marijuana Laws Affected Your Education?
    Marijuana charges can interfere with education as students caught with pot often lose access to scholarships and loans. In fact, drug offenses are the only crimes that must be reported on federal student-aid applications. Depending on the school, students caught with pot can lose access to university housing, be expelled or even be turned over to local authorities and arrested.

    We want to know if marijuana laws have affected your education.

    A Lie College Students Might Want To Tell
    In 1998, Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., an advocate of stringent drug laws, slipped into a House bill an amendment denying federal financial aid for college to anyone who had been convicted of either selling or possessing drugs. No congressional committee voted on the amendment. But it passed as part of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, first enacted in 1965 to create federal financial aid for college students.

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