On Wednesday, April 1 (no joke), I’m traveling to Indiana to talk about some bad laws (no, not that one… some others).
This event is hosted by Young Americans for Liberty at Indiana University and Student Peace Alliance
If you’re in the area, hope to see you there!
Knock it out of the park, Pete!
You should also invite Kevvie.
He’ll serve as an excellent example of the corrosive influence of prohibition, being its chief apologist right now. If he declines, it never hurts to pint out that those who have benefited from prohibition generally will not attend such gatherings for fear of being brought into a debate about its most glaring aspect, the mercenary one.
As the old saying goes, “Whose bread I eat, his song I sing.” Kevvie and Co. have had a steady diet of that bread for several decades, and it shows, in more ways than one.
This might come up:
As totally unable to differentiate between one object and another as the typical prohibitionist is, I don’t think that I can recall ever hearing a sycophant conflate Satan with cannabis before a few moments ago.
Now isn’t that special?
When ISIS overran Mosul, the hardcore Islamic group prohibited cigarette smoking. It was a public relations disaster. Iraqi and Syrian smokers rebelled, and a cigarette smuggling network arose:
ISIS punishments for cigarette indulgence are often severe:
If the cig ban weren’t enough to lose new recruits, ISIS also prohibits cannabis. Here is ISIS in Syria dousing a marijuana field with gasoline and setting it on fire.
As a prohibitionist group, ISIS has condemned itself to obliteration by smokers. Defeat of ISIS is inevitable. The next revolutionary group that tries to take over the region should consider the mistake ISIS made, and not insist on engaging in something as counterproductive as prohibition.
Our Fourth Amendment rights have been eroded by Drug War: Jarvis DeBerry http://tinyurl.com/pur2lcy
…”[I]f the Fourth Amendment is due to the Founders’ offense at British soldiers forcibly entering homes in daylight hours after knocking and announcing to search for contraband, it seems safe to say that the Founders would be appalled by the fact that today, dozens of times each day, heavily armed government officials break into homes, often at night, without first knocking and announcing, in order to conduct searches for contraband.”
Radley Balko – “I think it’s safe to say that when it comes to serving search warrants for drug crimes, there is no longer a Castle Doctrine, there is no longer a knock-and-announce requirement. There’s barely still a Fourth Amendment at all.”
Good luck on your lecture Pete. Makes me hopeful that with this new generations help we may again have a bill of rights that is actually followed, and not ignored by government exceptions.
I think that there needs to be a comprehensive investigation so we can figure out how the heck we missed this one from 3/26/2015:
my favorite Tonto quote, “what do you mean ‘we,’ whiteman?”
Speaking of Liberty and freedom:
Church Of Marijuana Gets Boost From Indiana’s Anti-Gay ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill
“I fought this bill tooth and nail,” Levin said. “And because of our brave and brilliant governor,” he continued, his voice brimming with sarcasm, “he opened up the door for me to take my campaign to religion. The state will not interfere with religious belief — well buddy, my religious belief is green with red hairs, and boy do I like to smoke it.”
“We’re going to have a ‘good book,'” Levin said. “The first good book that we’re going to authorize in the church and share is the first good book we all read.” Levin says that’s The Emperor Wears No Clothes …”
I am still laughing. Can’t get this smile off my face. Am I having a religious experience?
As a young Catholic lad, I went to church (ahem) religiously, every Sunday morning. This after being in Catholic school 5 days a week, receiving both education and indoctrination. (In public schools nowadays you only get indoctrination as education. And I am not the only one who believes this.)
During Communion, the priest would offer the unleavened wafer (kids didn’t get the wine) and intone “This is His body, and this is His blood.”
Imagine the horror that filled my very young mind when I discovered what the term ‘cannibalism’ meant.
Cannabis as a sacrament makes a lot more sense. No approximations, no neutered imitation of an experience, the real deal. And no gory analogies to trouble one’s mind.
And on that subject of cannabis-as-sacrament, quite a few scholarly works exist.
I especially recommend the works of Chris Bennett, who’s researched the subject intensely over the past 20+ years. Read his treatises, and you’ll be amazed at the amount of historical depth and breadth of the role cannabis has played in Human attempts to commune with the Divine over the centuries…and also why a certain church wanted it banned, hundreds of years ago. One more reason to remain an apostate.