Things we won’t miss

Nick Gillespie has a nice piece in Time: 8 Things We Won’t Miss When Pot is Legal Everywhere

Legalizing pot won’t create a problem-free country any more than tearing down the Berlin Wall solved all the problems in East Germany or ending de jure segregation fixed race relations in the U.S. But it would reflect the will of an increasing number of citizens who realize the government has better things to do than tell us what we can and cannot put into our bodies. And it will also consign many terrible things about contemporary America to the dust heap of history.

We could probably add a few to the eight he lists.

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22 Responses to Things we won’t miss

  1. claygooding says:

    When it becomes legal it will take several more years before the drug screening will be ended,those pee in a cup guys are rich and will be lobbying for their very existence.

    • Chris says:

      Sadly, I am in this boat right now. Sword of damocles and all of that with the threat of random testing. First question on my interview was “can you pass a drug test” — whereas at my last job the drug test consisted of smoking a joint on the sidewalk. Looking for new employment asap.

      • allan says:

        I still think a drug test should be just that… a few multiple choice and true and false questions and an essay section. A much better indicator of the quality of the applicant than what’s in their piss. I mean eeewww…

    • divadab says:

      Drug testing for employment will never go away. Here’s why – I used to work for a company that denied employment to tobacco smokers. And tested for nicotine in their pre-employment drug test. All legal, why? Because there are only a few “protected classes” against employment discrimination – such as age, gender, race. No anti-discrimination protection for tobacco smokers. SO any employer can continue to deny employment to cannabis smokers in a similar way. And will, until specific anti-discrimination laws are put in place. I’m not holding my breath.

      But any company that systematically excludes the most intelligent and creative will ultimately fail. COnsider the brain deficit in the operations of the federal government – where drug-free and brain-dead is the desired employee.

  2. Jean Valjean says:

    Sorry to go ot so soon in this thread, but noticed George Soros is backing Hilary “there’s too much money in it” Clinton’s presidential run. Meanwhile Kevin and his pals at SAM(E)are painting Soros as the financial wizard behind the “well funded legalization movement.” There’s something not quite right about this picture…wonder what it could be?

    • claygooding says:

      SAM and the other prohibs point at Soros as the “big money” behind legalization and completely ignore that the government and big pharmacy finance them.

  3. Servetus says:

    I won’t miss being targeted for elimination by knuckle-dragging autocrats.

  4. primus says:

    won’t miss looking for a new ‘guy’ every few months.

  5. thelbert says:

    it will probably be a long time before we miss the lies and corruption of the drug war. even after normalization the lies will go on. corruption is another habit that’s hard to break. contempt for the hoi polloi won’t be missed because it ain’t going anywhere.

  6. DdC says:

    More than 1,000 Meet in Denver to Develop Drug War Exit Strategy
    International Drug Policy Reform Conference celebrates this year’s unprecedented momentum of the drug policy reform movement.

    The Wailers to Play 26th Annual Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam

    The Marijuana Diet May Help You Lose Weight

    Wasting Obesity on Ganja

    Everything Should Be Made From Hemp – Even Guitars
    Stewart Burrows spends most nights in pubs, playing cover tunes till 3 a.m., give or take, then driving back to the Châteauguay Valley. Waiting for him are his wife and three kids, and 20 heads of cattle from which he sells aged beef; $700 for 100 pounds.

    • DdC says:

      We won’t miss the ticks…

      Michigan: No Unemployment Benefits for Stoners
      The employer has the right to basically say, ‘I don’t have to pay them if they test positive to drugs.”

      Drug mishandling may have tainted 40,000 cases
      ☀Drudged Driving Bill
      ☀CA SB 289 Clueless Legislation
      ☀Cannabis use and Driving

      Drug Worrier Ticks are small arachnids in the order Ixodida. Along with mites, they constitute the subclass Acarina. Ticks are ectoparasites (external parasites), living by hematophagy on the blood of mammals.

      Shame on the Drug Worrier Profiteers
      ☀Nonsensical Harbingers of Idiocracy
      ☀Misinformation S.A.M.
      ☀If the Roots are Poison, So be the Fruit.
      ☀Mooching Off Medicaid
      ☀More DEA and UN Overreaching Arguments Against Legalization
      ☀Won’t say why?
      ☀The U.N.’s complicity in international human rights abuses
      ☀The Many Different Faces Of Cannabis In America
      ☀Lobbyists Are Getting Rich Off of WoD

  7. allan says:

    I’ve been smoking herb for over 40 years, all illegal (except the 1 year I had my OMMP card). There’s sooo much I won’t miss…

    I will miss the elation of ending the whole drug war. Won’t see that in my lifetime I suspect…

    I also suspect drug policy reform will be a much lonelier avocation once the cannabists pull up stakes and send their troops home.

    • Windy says:

      I’ll still be in the trenches, allan, because until all people of the age of consent are free to ingest whichever substances they desire to ingest, the war is not yet over.

    • claygooding says:

      I vote we outlast the drug war allan,,not because I think the government thugs will have an epiphany and realize the futility but because we will run out of money to fund it,,any of it.

  8. Dante says:

    I won’t miss Kevin. Not at all.

    Later, Kevin.

  9. claygooding says:

    I won’t miss things like this:

    Pam Bondi Urges Florida Supreme Court to Derail Medical Marijuana Movement

    “”“But if the amendment passed, Florida law would allow marijuana in limitless situations,” she wrote. “Any physician could approve marijuana for seemingly any reason to seemingly any person (of any age) — including those without any ‘debilitating disease.’ So long as a physician held the opinion that the drug use ‘would likely outweigh’ the risks, Florida would be powerless to stop it.”” Snip”

    Imagine that,,doctors recommending medicine instead of politicians,,we simply cannot have that!!! What is the world coming to when a person doesn’t call his legislator and ask for a second opinion on treating any illness.

    • Howard says:

      Yep, this is definitely one of the things I won’t miss: Rogue federal prosecutors doing everything they can to undermine what the people are overwhelmingly for. California’s Melinda Haag is also in the this dung pile.

      I think the latest polling in Florida shows 62% in favor of medical cannabis. Of course, does this mean anything to Pam Bondi? Nah, her attitude is obviously, “Screw what the people of Florida want. I alone am the law and the ‘decider'”.

      Pam, your days of obstruction are numbered. They can’t tick away soon enough.

      • Howard says:

        Correction: Bondi is not a federal prosecutor. She was elected at the state level, not federally nominated.

        My sentiments still apply.

      • Jean Valjean says:

        As the article said, she and the rest of the FL repubs are terrified of this becoming a ballot issue because so many Floridians are in favor of cannabis reform. The older demographics of fl are also the patients who can benefit most from MMJ and, in the past, made up most of the republican vote. No wonder a bright “young” career repub like Bondi opposes it. It’s almost a perfect storm when they start to lose the old folks’ vote.

  10. primus says:

    Won’t miss newspaper headlines with terrible pot puns.

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