I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., do hereby grant a full, complete, and unconditional pardon to all current United States citizens and lawful permanent residents who, on or before the date of this proclamation, committed or were convicted of the offense of simple possession of marijuana, attempted simple possession of marijuana, or use of marijuana, regardless of whether they have been charged with or prosecuted for these offenses on or before the date of this proclamation…
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Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “A sizeable drop in opioid deaths is attributable to the ONDCP’s social and medical intervention programs or strategies. However, addiction…” Mar 11, 21:52
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Video story of FBI Director who was set up and busted by crooked cops for cocaine possession: FBI Director busted” Mar 11, 19:03
author on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “What is your opinion on the effectiveness of the ONDCP’s current strategies?” Mar 11, 10:35
Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “OT: has anybody experienced that their all-time favorite album doesn’t come from their favorite band?” Mar 8, 07:52
Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “The local VA clinic in my small town supports Cannabis use over the standard meds they dish out for pain…” Mar 8, 07:48
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Nature publication repaired link: Nature: A cryptic pocket in CB1 drives peripheral and functional selectivity” Mar 5, 19:39
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Scientists develop a molecule that mimics the pain relieving activity of cannabinoids without cannabis’ other mental side effects. 05-MAR-2025 –…” Mar 5, 19:34
Siân Llad newydd on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Saint Barthwell was right; you maricocoswrs are a threat to decent cardigans, everywhere!” Mar 3, 16:42
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I was busted for weed possesion twice in the 80s. Both times were in San Francisco. Both times I shortly received a letter in the mail telling me to NOT come to court.
The first time, there was a band playing near a Bart station. I sat on a park bench and took a couple hits from a pipe. A man and women in plain clothes approached me. The man had a business card that he showed me. It had one word written on it… POLICE.
As he reached for my pipe I let him take it. Then I got the ticket fot possession.
When Ethan Russo was in Humboldt County a few months ago he spoke at Cal Poly Humboldt. The Head of their Cannabis Studies program invited me to meet and hang out with Ethan before his lecture.
hey NCN, due to certain issues I no longer have your ph# and your email… I can’t find that either. How did your print order turn out? Hopefully you are very happy!
I’m really happy with the quality of the prints. The desert scene is in my guitar corner and I like looking at it when I play.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is successfully treated in US veterans using ibogaine:
A study of psilocybin mushroom phylogenomics indicates the plant’s psychoactive properties evolved 65-million years ago around the time of the extinction of dinosaurs due to an asteroid hitting earth.
I just found this article on HighTimes. But get this: many years ago before 9/11, I must have consumed a quarter’s worth of shrooms, smoked a few grams of good Mexican grass, and snorted almost a quarter gram worth of what the cook made. So, in the process of my trip, I was trying to not only read the book, ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’ but watch the movie at the same time. While on my trip, I guess I had placed my face deep into my plus red carpet and discovered a world full of prehistoric ‘whales’, and they were all swimming with a ‘mission’, like they were ‘warriors’ in formation. And they were swimming toward non-human/non-earthling-dominated Turkish oil refineries on desolated polluted barren lands. But get this: the whales all swam with giant seeds attached to their tales and when they got close to the shore, they flipped those seeds up and onto the land, like they were bombs and that was how ‘Life’ as we know it was created.
I’ve come across numerous people who tell me that they experience the creation of the world when on mushrooms. And they say that ‘spores’ are the reason why dirt exists, instead of just rock. And many trippers have tripped out ‘witnessing’ the creation of ‘dirt’ via the spores.
Maybe mushrooms are the only way humans can travel back in time?
Interesting comment. Are you familiar with now-deceased ethnobotanist Terrance McKenna? There are some trippy visual YouTube videos of his lectures. One of the interesting things he talked about was how mushrooms can mimic other psychedelics simply by mental direction. I suspect you’re already aware of his lectures, but if not, you definitely need to watch them. AI is used for the visuals and entertaining in and of itself.
I’ve tripped on LSD mostly, (pre-2001) and have tripped on mushrooms infrequently. I’ve got a gallon zip-lock bag full that I’ve had since two summers ago and I just can’t pull the trigger on large doses. A moderate dose (3-grams) was an anxiety-fest which was atypical for my experience.
I tend to believe shrooms reset the endocannabinoid system based on results from clinical trials. That’s a huge medical benefit for those who experience it.
I went grocery shopping today and noticed gas prices under $5 form the first time in well over a year. Humboldt County has most expensive gas in the nation. It’s that damn Redwood Curtain.
I’ve heard of Terrance McKenna. He’s got quite a bit of books out. I understand about not wanting to go all in. I find wanting to do an 8th hard. My happy spot is between 2-3grams, but only on lemon tecking . . . who has 6-8 hours when one can simply be done with the whole trip in between 3-4 hours . . . just in time for a good pizza, a good movie, and a nice loaded pipe a few hours before bed. Eat shrooms by two and be back to earth by six. That way you can tell the wife how the ‘business’ meeting with the purple whale Gods who all went down over in Hamburg in WWII flying a U.S. bomber in 1943–went. And yes, being in the midst of WWII battles is a very real big dose shroom thing for me . . . once before 9/11 and the second time well over a decade since I returned home from war myself. If I’m not landing on the Beaches of Normandy (and I’m physically wet from the waist down–not just tripping . . . plus my friends were watching ‘Saving Private Ryan’ on a very bigger than normal screen with mega speakers) getting injured, then I’m flying over Europe in an old bomber at night–seeing all the tracers and anti-aircraft splatter.
Next is Peyote. There is a place out in the middle of nowhere Arizona that lets you take it. I hear the trips are more joyful.
Have you filled your tank up in Aspen?
Look up Wisconsin Battery. Now I don’t feel so bad being heavy in hydrogen, lithium, sodium ion, and oil/nat gas in my portfolio. Sadly, the green revolution requires a lot of dirty bits and parts, lest we rely on hemp fuels/products even more. Irony: my computer, mouse, and laptop are made from oil . . . and many claiming viva la ‘green’ revolution are clicking away on the DNA of dinosaurs, demanding a cleaner tomorrow, totally unaware of the irony . . . one day, AI-inspired beings will use human remains to fuel and power their world.
Take care NorCalNative.
Double Blind Magazine is a good online site for the psychedelic community . . . learn about new compounds and new mushroom strains and Mushroom raves and mushroom parades and updates on new uses for LSD, MDMA, etc for therapies.
Besides Double Blind Magazine, you might be interested in checking out what Zide Door in Oakland, CA, is doing through a membership program:
Their shroom varieties come from all over the planet and are required to have measured percentages on their actual psilocybin content. They can also be had in precise dosage capsule form. Other entheogens offered include DMT. I acquired a DMT vape pen for $150. I haven’t found the right moment to use it yet. The Church of Ambrosia, with locations in San Francisco as well as Oakland, features a useful website that’s a good source of info offering new dosage standards and a dosage calculator for psilocybin use:
A Vanderbilt chemist has been awarded a grant to use artificial intelligence to design new non-addictive painkillers:
In the past, Wall Street told most investors to stay away from Bio-pharmaceutical companies unless they were insiders or simply lucky. But, ever since they mapped our genes, they said most of the ‘risks’ have gone away, making it easier for FDA approval and speeding up the process because of ‘AI’.
One of the companies I’ve got in my portfolio uses AI in their drug-making: Schrodinger . . . they’ve been around since the 1990s.
A DMT vape pen for $150. Wait till DMT comes to ‘Medical Land Oklahoma’ and that same pen will cost you $30–in like five years. You haven’t found the right time to use it: Now is the right time according to Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson . . . based on the odds of existing to not existing. If the Big Bang was real, could we have possibly experienced Consciousness before experiencing physical reality? Like, when a bomb goes off: you see it, then you hear it, because the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound. And if the ‘Big Bang’ must compete with the all-encompassing ‘noumenon’–the Nothing, then it must collapse . . . then again, how could ‘something’ exist, be present in the vacuum of ‘nothing’ (even Space is a physical property because it borders that which isn’t called ‘space’, like objects/planets/gasses/various waves/energy), let alone have the ability to exert ‘physical properties,’ like an expansion, considering the ‘nothing’ would be physically comparable to our reality to a solid state of just endless nothing, thus it would have no reason or properties allowing an explosion or the speed of light to be demonstrated, let alone any form of expansion/collapse. Only “Something” is the contrast to “Nothing” and vice versa, so for the concept of ‘before time/reality/matter/light/consciousness/energy’, life or reality and matter and energy had to exist before it ever could have existed, lest the contrast (light/dark) never exist in the first place . . . in order for nothing to be a reality, it must first be contrasted to the concept of ‘something’ and thus ‘something’ existed before the beginning of Time/Matter/Energy was ever created in the first place . . . all while Nothing floated with us this whole time. A.K.A. Time existed before time was ever a physical reality, lest we never be able to contrast Existence to Non-Existence.
I misused the word of ‘noumenon’ . . . replace the word with ‘void/the nothing’ and it still stands true.
It can get weird. In another model of the cosmos, it’s been noted that if all the positive and negative forces were added up their combination would average out into a net nothingness, or a big zero for the universe. This model suggests that existence and non-existence are essentially the same thing. It doesn’t make sense, but then the universe isn’t required to make sense to mere humans.
Another thing that doesn’t make sense is quantum physics. It’s based on Schrödinger’s wave equation, which depicts atomic particles as wave packets that contain energy existing in multiple juxtaposed frequencies. The equation is a probability function and it posits that under certain conditions a particle or particles can travel through a barrier in a process called tunneling. So according to Erwin Schrödinger there exists a very small finite probability that the chair I’m sitting on right now could magically disappear and then reappear on the other side of the wall with no damage to the wall and in an identical and fully intact chair form. The probability is so small that it’s very unlikely to happen. The time frame needed for a chair displacement to occur is likely to be longer than the observable age of the universe. For a much smaller item, like an atomic particle, tunneling happens all the time. Tunneling is part of the process of radioactive decay. In addition, there is an electronics component called the tunneling diode that works based on the principle.
In matters of life and death a majority of Canadians prefer psilocybin:
Estradiol is implicated in increasing the addicting capacity of cocaine among women.
Researchers discovered a molecule that alleviates neuropathic pain and that doesn’t rely on opioid receptors that can result in an addiction.
Marijuana use can decrease meth cravings:
The small town I grew up in became temporary notorious in a News Week magazine back when Clinton was in office. It had surpassed every location in the U.S. for meth production/use per-capita . . . even the Industrial Park would get busted cooking up a ton or two using their ‘chemicals’ and ‘nuclear war’ tunnels to cook the stuff. Oklahoma had surpassed California and Oregon because of ‘crank shaft’ smuggled dope brought in by the biker gangs (The high reps and heads of the Oakland/San Francisco chapters of the Hell’s Angels actually rode into my small town for the suicide of a young man I grew up with . . . because his mother was from California, and her older son stayed and took over the gang). Some of the places further south of us in the small wooded mountains of Oklahoma would trade pounds of meth to users in exchange for ‘Sheriff/City/County’ votes, but that got busted up. My former roommate/best man had a mother who cooked ounces at a time . . . he had an uncle who could do the same and an aunt good enough to cook a pound of meth at the drop of a dime . . . plus he had various cousins, step-fathers, and in-laws who were in the ‘Outlaw dope cooking business’. Who ever heard of ‘under covered cops’ posing as students in a small town high school with fewer than 400 kids?
As soon as I got my driver’s license, it was easier and faster to secure 5 grams of dope for $200 than to score 3.5 grams of weed for $20. And during Jr. High and High School, I enjoyed cannabis way more, but found it harder to get than most of my friends who could score bags of grass a lot easier than I could . . . speed became common and weed became sought out for me. Because I could get quarter pounds of dope like it was a snickers at a gas-station–even all sorts of pills, eventually, I wound up craving–desiring cannabis way more than that which was so easy to get. If I had $2,125, then 4 ounces of dope could be scored in an hour or two, but if I had $800 for a pound of weed, then I could get it in a few days. My former best friend could trust me to ‘baby-sit’ an ounce of speed just sitting out in the open–not bagged up, for three days while he disappeared, but none of my skater average drug user friends trusted me enough to share their weed connections, so waiting on a dime bag could be a two to four hour ordeal. Come to find out, that a lot of the other speed dealers, even the ones my ‘weed friends’ would use, bought their speed from my people, but they got their stuff ‘cut’ . . . unlike if you went through me. I have literally lost count of how many xanax and opiates and grams of speed I’ve done, but never once had any cravings for them . . . I only desired cannabis. I would even trade quarter grams of speed for $5 dollar joints.
The only other drug I ever craved was coke, but only after doing ‘cartel’ coke once, since it lasted for roughly 2hrs after ingesting a quarter of a quarter-gram’s worth (not cut)–making me feel like I was a Sports God who just won the world’s biggest game . . . but that connection got busted up real fast when the local coke dealer’s buddies stole the wheel chair of a Mexican Man in Tulsa . . . inside his electric wheel-chair was a much bigger than normal size kilo, and the dumb thieves got busted by simply having all their stolen coke laid out on a glass coffee table–inviting random people to come in and party. And I even have a special local connection in Mexico (Son in law of City Council) for ‘tourist’ amounts at the resort and still, the best coke I ever did was in Oklahoma. I’ve long blamed cannabis for not wanting other stuff.
An opioid addiction relapse is prevented by restoring a brain pathway:
Subjective cognitive decline (SCD), the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss, one of the earliest noticeable symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, has been found by researchers at SUNY Upstate Medical College to be less in cannabis users who use it recreationally. The reduction factor is 96-percent.
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is treatable using a psychedelic designated MM120 that’s shown to provide relief with a single treatment for up to 12 weeks. The FDA has given MM120 a “breakthrough therapy” status:
Illustrating the entourage effect, chemically synthesized psilocybin is shown less medically effective than mushroom extracted psilocybin in a study done in Israel:
Prosecuting women for their drug use during their pregnancies is found to be counterproductive to women’s health:
Hemp seed hulls can be processed to produce chemical precursors at reduced cost resulting in activated carbon used for electrode materials used in lithium batteries.