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Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Dopamine helps baby birds learn to sing: March 25, 2025 — In his home office in Durham, Duke neuroscientist Richard…” Mar 29, 20:38
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Dopamine is needed for cognitive flexibility, the more dopamine, the more efficiently tasks are completed: 28-Mar-2025 — For the first…” Mar 29, 20:12
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Inhibiting the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R) protects the gut barrier involving alcohol binge drinking that leads to a condition called…” Mar 19, 19:27
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “CBD proves effective in tissue repair for treating inflammation involving dental treatments: 18-Mar-2025 — In vitro tests indicate that cannabidiol…” Mar 19, 19:05
indica vape on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “I’ve recently started using indica vape , and they’ve exceeded my expectations. From Delta 8 products to HHC products, the…” Mar 16, 08:34
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Female sex hormone protects against opioid misuse; male and female rats respond differently to fentanyl: 10-Mar-2025 — The opioid epidemic…” Mar 15, 20:38
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “A sizeable drop in opioid deaths is attributable to the ONDCP’s social and medical intervention programs or strategies. However, addiction…” Mar 11, 21:52
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Video story of FBI Director who was set up and busted by crooked cops for cocaine possession: FBI Director busted” Mar 11, 19:03
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Monthly Archives: March 2016
The Lancet Commission
The Lancet is one of the oldest and best-known peer-reviewed medical journals. Occasionally they commission a group a scientists to prepare a detailed scientific analysis on a particular topic. In this case, they joined with John Hopkins and commissioned 22 … Continue reading
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The continuing saga of stoned driving
The science has long been clear. Marijuana can cause impairment and driving while impaired by anything (lack of sleep, alcohol, texting, being angry) is not a good idea. However, the impairment caused my marijuana is only a fraction of the … Continue reading
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“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or … Continue reading
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The inevitable corruption of money when dealing with the powerless
Addicts For Sale In the rehab capital of America, addicts are bought, sold, and stolen for their insurance policies, and many women are coerced into sex. […] The people targeting them are variously called “marketers,†“body brokers,†and even “junkie … Continue reading
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The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (UNODC) is now in its 59th session (through March 22). This session is partly in preparation for the major UNGASS 2016 (United Nations General Assembly Special Session) next month that will be focusing on international … Continue reading
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Replacing Scalia
So, President Obama announced his nominee for the Supreme Court this morning. As many have noted, it’s likely that a lot of the decision as to who was nominated was political, to shame the Republicans who refuse to even hold … Continue reading
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Don’t worry. We’re just using it to fight terrorists…
I know this was already mentioned in comments, but feel it’s worth highlighting. Surprise! NSA data will soon routinely be used for domestic policing that has nothing to do with terrorism What does this rule change mean for you? In … Continue reading
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Open Thread
Just got back from a week in New York as tour guide for a wonderful group of students, and saw some great shows, including Smokefall, Nice Fish, Fun Home, Hamilton, and Eclipsed. Beautiful weather and we saw a lot of … Continue reading
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No surprises here
Christopher Ingraham in the Washington Post: Legal marijuana is finally doing what the drug war couldn’t The latest data from the U.S. Border Patrol shows that last year, marijuana seizures along the southwest border tumbled to their lowest level in … Continue reading
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Website adjustments
The site had a bit of a meltdown for awhile today as several plug-ins suddenly stopped working correctly. Plug-ins are third-party additions to WordPress that allow additional functionality in the blog, and we use a number of them. Sometimes you … Continue reading
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