Monthly Archives: April 2014

House doesn’t want V.A. docs to give all options to Veterans

Currently, the Veteran’s Administration specifically prohibits their doctors from discussing or recommending medical marijuana for their patients. This evening, Representative Blumenauer offered an amendment to HR4486 – Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2015 – that … Continue reading

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Odds and Ends

Kevin Sabet teams up with The Heritage Foundation for more nonsense: The Marijuana Debate: Time for Reefer Sanity Ironically, the Heritage site has a pop-up when you go there that asks you to agree that “Big Government is NOT the … Continue reading

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Alabama declares holy war on pregnant women

Alabama Supreme Court Rules That Women Can Be Charged With Chemical Endangerment if They Become Pregnant and Use a Controlled Substance New York, NY – On Friday, April 18, 2014, the Alabama Supreme Court issued a 8-1 decision in Ex … Continue reading

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Changing the discussion

Normalizing Drug Use by Stanton Peele in Psychology Today. The drug policy battle in the U.S. isn’t about medical marijuana, or even legalizing marijuana. It’s about normalizing drug use. Do drugs create different experiences from other involvements we are familiar … Continue reading

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Representative Blumenauer Ad

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Justice Stevens – what a bizarre man

I have a real love-hate relationship with this guy. I first came to know Justice Stevens as the author of the wonderful Supreme Court Decision striking down the Communications Decency Act. It was a stirring opinion, and he noted strongly: … Continue reading

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Open Thread

Arizona court rules on DUI law for marijuana users PHOENIX (AP) — Authorities can’t prosecute Arizona motorists for driving under the influence of marijuana unless the person is impaired at the time of the stop, the state Supreme Court ruled … Continue reading

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Poor Governor Scott

Governor Rick Scott has been so anxious to have everybody in the world drug tested, whether it’s welfare recipients, unemployment recipients, or state workers. Court rejects Scott’s plan for broad drug testing of state workers TAMPA ­­— In a second … Continue reading

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Memorizing stats

I was a bit puzzled by this article: If You Support Legal Marijuana, Memorize These 13 Stats Here are the stats (and each one goes on to describe that it’s a projected tax revenue for some state or the potential … Continue reading

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More on that ‘study’

The scientific malpractice and grossly ignorant reporting regarding the study of a single brain scan from 20 widely disparate marijuana smokers and 20 controls is getting a lot of pushback. Maybe there are limits after all to the deceptions that … Continue reading

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