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Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “OT: has anybody experienced that their all-time favorite album doesn’t come from their favorite band?” Mar 8, 07:52
Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “The local VA clinic in my small town supports Cannabis use over the standard meds they dish out for pain…” Mar 8, 07:48
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Nature publication repaired link: Nature: A cryptic pocket in CB1 drives peripheral and functional selectivity” Mar 5, 19:39
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Scientists develop a molecule that mimics the pain relieving activity of cannabinoids without cannabis’ other mental side effects. 05-MAR-2025 –…” Mar 5, 19:34
Siân Llad newydd on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Saint Barthwell was right; you maricocoswrs are a threat to decent cardigans, everywhere!” Mar 3, 16:42
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Addiction pathways in the brain are discovered to be critically influenced by astrocytic G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs): 2-Mar-2025 — A…” Mar 2, 22:08
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Scientists in Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania have discovered the brain circuitry implicated in cocaine addictions: 26-Feb-2025 – Imagine…” Mar 1, 21:00
Thomaspeard on Mountain states Mormonism misleads on marijuana: “I’ve been using https://www.cornbreadhemp.com/products/cbd-sleep-gummies for a while now, and they’ve creditably been a game-changer as regards stress and sleep. The…” Mar 1, 18:49
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Monthly Archives: August 2013
Intelligence laundering
That’s the phrase coined by Hanni Fakhoury that’s used in this Salon article about the DEA’s use of NSA data and subsequent fabrication of evidence trails. It’s an apt analogy, although the phrase sounds vaguely oxymoronic when referring to the … Continue reading
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Oh, to be drug czar
With Gil Kerlikowske scheduled to move to customs and borders, CelebStoner asked Tommy Chong about the drug czar position, ’cause face it – Tommy’s way more entertaining than Gil. Tommy Chong: If I Were Drug Czar The first thing I … Continue reading
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It’s the Sanjay Gupta show!
For those of you who have been asleep the past couple of days, one of the big pieces of news is that television doctor Sanjay Gupta has publicly apologized for his previous position on marijuana (video below) and now has … Continue reading
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The impulse to ban
This is just a little observation regarding how quick we are to rush to the assumption that a government ban is an appropriate solution to any problem. I was reading a non-drug-war-related piece over at The Reality-Based Community (about cell … Continue reading
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The war on drugs keeps us from helping people
Marijuana stops child’s severe seizures Wow. Powerful story. And this part really hit home: “I literally see Charlotte’s brain making connections that haven’t been made in years,” Matt said. “My thought now is, why were we the ones that had … Continue reading
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The drug war is abuse of the rule of law
It’s good to see the DEA/NSA story getting some traction. It’ll help some more people wake up to the systemic abuse of the law that is going on regularly in the name of the drug war. The notion of “parallel … Continue reading
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Another obvious reason the NSA story is so damned important
Other Agencies Clamor for Data N.S.A. Compiles The recent disclosures of agency activities by its former contractor Edward J. Snowden have led to widespread criticism that its surveillance operations go too far and have prompted lawmakers in Washington to talk … Continue reading
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Why Kerlikowske?
So as far as I can tell, there hasn’t been a huge buzz about President Obama nominating ONDCP director Gil Kerlikowske for the post of Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection. The best article about Kerlikowske’s planned departure is from … Continue reading
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Is the UN losing its appeal?
So the INCB came out with strongly worded statements against Uruguay and its marijuana legalization, but instead of cowering and giving in… Uruguay President to defend legal marijuana at UN MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) — A spokesman for Uruguay’s President Jose … Continue reading
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This will make you furious
Sorry, but you need to read it. Father of murdered foster child speaks DFPS removed [Alex] from her parent’s home last November for “neglectful supervision.” Hill admits they were smoking pot when their daughter was asleep. “We never hurt our … Continue reading
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