If this doesn’t bring out the concern trolls, I don’t know what will. Often when I write about Kevin Sabet, I get some concern troll comments, usually saying that I shouldn’t be so mean to Kevin (while calling me childish).
For instance, in this post where I merely pointed out the pointlessness of Kevin commenting in a Reuters article about what Eric Holder might think about something, I got comments like:
Pete, your jerkishness and name calling to Kevin is inappropriate.I don’t like his policies but lay off the personal attacks.
and “another” commenter
Dude, you are guys are so angry at Kevin but you should direct your ire at DEA. you’re such little children sometimes
If they didn’t like what I said in that post, they’re going to love the title of this one.
First, I need to take a moment to apologize… to all the honest hard-working whores out there, for being compared to Kevin Sabet.
Let’s take a look at Kevin’s latest: In 3 views on whether states should legalize marijuana in the Christian Science Monitor, Kevin takes the “middle” ground (opposing legalization, but calling for that unattainable “kinder and gentler” prohibition).
This was right near the top:
Marijuana should not be sold on the open market. Legal alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs kill more than 500,000 people a year.
It’s hard to get any more blatant than that in your lying. Kevin knows full well that marijuana is entirely different in death risk than the other drugs. He is intentionally putting that in there to lie to you.
The thing is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t even think it was a lie. After all, he could claim, the first sentence is merely a viewpoint and the second sentence can be backed up with fact.
The ONDCP has long loved to use this kind of lie, as if the technical structure of sentences defined lies, as opposed to attempts to decieve.
It’s like a young man telling his father that he want to apply for a position with the Department of Education, and his father says “Whoa, you’d better think that over. After all, over 1,000 people die each year in the armed services and that’s a federal agency too.”
The fact that Kevin Sabet is a public figure who trades on his connections to get into the media and lie to people in order to pursue a political agenda makes him a dishonest whore, which makes the title of my post merely factual.
And boy, is he ever in the media. It seems like he’s constantly being quoted as the poster boy for anti-legalization, and he churns out completely meaningless columns, like this one where he seems to argue that since politicians from both major parties have supported prohibition, legalization isn’t the answer, and this widely ridiculed article: Legalization is not the answer.
Let’s return to the Christian Science Monitor piece for one other comment. Sabet writes: “…big tobacco showed that legal industries can play down harmful health effects of their products.”
As opposed to illegal industries? The argument there appears to be that we shouldn’t legalize marijuana becuase legally regulated companies can’t be trusted to not poison it… so we need to keep distribution in the hands of the trustworthy drug trafficking organizations! Right.
Look, I realize that even some drug policy reform supporters may be uncomfortable with phrases like “Kevin Sabet, dishonest whore,” but remember that this is Drug WarRant, not the New York Times.
To be honest, I don’t do justice to the insulting that should occur.
I would like you to read a letter written by Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe to a politician who needed a wake-up call: They Won’t Magically Turn You Into a Lustful CockMonster: Chis Kluwe explains gay marriage to the politician who is offended by an NFL player supporting it. It’s a different topic, but Chris Kluwe says it right.
Thanks for that letter Pete, that’s good stuff!
And, I must say, calling Kevin names seems to be a real popular hit generator. I just checked, and the comment back two posts, where I called him a doody-head has 25 “likes”. So in that spirit, I’d like to add he’s a poo-poo face, and his mother smells like old socks.
Now, now. His mother hasn’t done anything wrong that I know of. Let’s leave her out of this.
She had the chance to smother him in the crib, and she blew it. (sorry, it was out there, I couldn’t leave it be).
I don’t know if this makes me a tone troll, but every time Pete “flies off the handle”, I cringe a little, while thinking of (admittedly fictitious) people who would potentially be supportive of drug law reform but have adopted a principle that this should be achieved in a civil manner and will thus avoid The Couch in the future.
Maybe it’s just me, but I wouldn’t call a dishonest whore either dishonest or a whore. (Though, to be frank, I’m not sure “misstatement-prone prostitute” sounds any better…)
Nevertheless, Kevin Sabet seems either quite stubbornly stupid or wilfully manipulative. Should the latter be true, he’s also obviously and simply EVIL. And I think that’s much worse than being either a whore or dishonest.
I have occasionally lied and acted in blatant self-interest in the past (and can’t promise to be 100% honest in the future, sorry), so maybe it’s just my conscience that makes me wince whenever words like “dishonest” and “whore” are thrown around. But if Sabet is not a pitiful, simple-minded idiot handpuppet of the narcomachs, then he must be evil in any moral sense. And that really is despicable compared to a little whoring and lying.
Pete’s no Ethan Nadelmann. Thank God.
(Ethan Nadelmann is great, but don’t you think he ever wants to just scream at some of the people he debates, and call them names like this?)
But, but, but, Kevin went to Cal Berkeley, Oxford University, played tennis, and had the coolest wedding ever! I have said it before, and I’ll say it again, how can you trust anyone who has worked his whole life to become Director of the ONDCP?
Kevin must surely know by now that his beloved Prohibition harms/kills hundreds of thousands of innocent people, allows criminal organizations to thrive off the enormous profits, causes immense environmental destruction, burdens all hard-working taxpayers, and that it never will reduce drug use. So, yes, Pete’s description is fairly accurate—but a possibly more accurate headline/description would be:
Kevin Sabet is an extremely dangerous and parasitical, dishonest whore.
FUCK Kevin,,and anyone that rides a horse that looks like his. He won a DARE poster contest in HS and from that he has evolved into a young version of Harry Anslinger.
And it does no good to expose his lies and misleading propaganda,,the editors want to sell papers and with as many people around the world that hate the basturd,he sells papers.
Just like any other troll,,perhaps we should just ignore him and quit commenting on his evil agenda,,let him fade away in his bottle of whiskey.
> perhaps we should just ignore
> him and quit commenting on
> his evil agenda,,
While I recognize the need to keep confronting him and his like with facts and sensible arguments, I admit I probably would never have paid attention to him or his utterances, had Pete or others not kept referring to him.
Kevin and that other wunderkind Paul Chabot both got the prohibitionist message at an early age (Sabet through DARE in high school and Chabot in some fundamentalist treatment center at age 12). They remind me of children in the Nazi era, and Maoist kids, who were encouraged to inform on their parents in order to “re-educate” them.
Seriously you guys are unbelievable…you are losing people to our cause with this name calling. Shameful.
Once upon a time in a Court of Law far far away a defendant who has the initials Kevin Sabet was brought in front of a judge on an aggravated assault charge. The judge examined the arrest warrant and said, “it says here you sent your domestic partner to the emergency room by hitting him in the head with a sack of quarters. Now why would you do that?” Kev-Kev answered, “well your honor, he called me a two bit whore!”
Hi Kev!
If you think the name-calling is bad, just wait until we bring Dr. Kevin Sabet up on charges of crimes against humanity before the International Criminal Court.
Hey!, here they are! Kevie’s mysterious defenders! Creeping out of the couch cushions like scabies.
I like to think of Kev as a bloodsucking bedbug.
However, I shouldn’t be that mean to bedbugs because I don’t think they’re capable of lying?! (even if they do suck on you when you least expect it and are extremely hard to get out of the couch).
(Startled, jumping off the couch, swatting my arse furiously) “Aaaaaah! Kevites! Get ’em off! Get ’em offffffff!
(Splatting sound as hand impacts them) Eeeew! Ick! They’re so slimy!. Eeeew, gross!. Gotta go wash my hands, BRB…”
Clearly you have no scruples. And no good arguments. To resort to this??
Hello Kev!
When you change only your name but not your email, it’s um, sort of a giveaway that it’s still you. Just a tip. Not because I like you, but I do think the couch deserves better-quality trolls.
“…better quality trolls”
Hmmm. So, in order to accomplish that, some sort of Troll Regulatory Agency should be set up, like Underwriters Laboratory, to ensure quality and purity of trolls?
Trolls would have to undergo a rigorous examination, covering every aspect of their qualifications to be trolls, with special attention towards their historical veracity.
Methane detectors will have to be placed at both mouth and anus, to ensure that the proper amount of BS is being generated and its’ effluvia expelled. If more comes from the mouth than the anus, the troll is granted official access to Trolldom.
(However, given the fact that anyone who stumps for drug prohibition and makes a paycheck off of it is usually a government functionary, this requirement may be waived; proper BS production and dissemination is generally assured in such cases.)
Finally, the newly accredited Troll (notice the upper case) must, every moment they speak, be re-earning their certification by near constant verbal flatulence while pontificating on subjects which the Troll is a self-proclaimed expert…and in actuality knows nothing.
(Again, given past experience with the species Homo Federalis Drugwarrious Bureaucratus, usually the requirement can be set aside; such behavior may always be positively assumed.)
So, yes, I am all for higher quality trolls seeking to earn their certification and move up in the world, so they can afford better accommodations. After all, it’s pretty nasty, living under a bridge of lies.
Scruples: “a doubt or hesitation that troubles the conscience, or that comes from the difficulty of determining whether something is right…â€.
I’m fairly certain that Pete’s conscience is not bothered in the least by calling Kevin Sabet a ‘dishonest whore’, as is likely to be true for most bloggers who post in this forum. No one doubts Sabet is a liar. And it’s obvious Kevin takes money to screw pot smokers. There is no difficulty in determining if the title fits. In fact, it fits far better than the Ph.D. title of ‘Dr.’ he brandishes.
For instance, I feel no twinge of guilt or difficulty in calling Sabet a maggot-lipped witch hunter, since I know I’m right, and I know that I have scruples.
You would think Kev would accidentally picked up some some scruples with all his screwing of America.
I wonder if Kev advertises for dogs on Craig’s list,,,,call Joe,he will hook you up Kev.
wouldn’t that make them screwples?
Kevin Sabet deserves the distrust& scorn that he receives. His published & spoken supposition based positions on prohibition & legalization are out & out lies disguised behind a veil of public policy concern & “expert” knowledge. What else can you expect from someone who has spent his entire career trying to advance the cause of the the only government agency that is authorized & encouraged to lie in order to support destructive prohibition policy.
He deserves to be called out, ridiculed, and exposed for who he is at every waking opportunity. He is a scumbag who has chosen to build & support a career of suckling on the government teat while perpetuating despicable lies. People like him deserve no respect. My parents taught me not to lie when I was a child. Apparently he missed class that day.
the sabet clones are coming out now. next we’ll get chabot’s amazon “reviewers” (his dear old mom) squawking about how unfair we’re being
Is the ass clown, war profiteer Kevin Sabet commenting here? Well, there are three types supporting prohibition: 1. Mildly retarded true believers that really believe our current system is the best way. 2. Folks profiting from the interdiction/incarceration aspect. 3. Folks profiting from the illegal market. The sad thing is; those in groups two and three pretend to be part of group one….Kevin my BOY, you truly belong in group one, but we all know a war profiteer when we smell one……….Your day will come….The “only following orders” shit didn’t work then and WILL NOT work now…. 😉
Do you mean “Doctor” Paul EdD? LOL
that’s the boy….read Pete Guither’s review of his book Eternal Battle Against Evil on amazon
He’s another vanity stricken war profiteer….At least folks are seeing through the smoke and mirrors of these nutjobs…..
I’m amused that anyone found the previous post to be the height of Victorian insult of poor Mr. I-can-never-catch-a-break-cause-people-see-right-through-my-words-now-that-everything-i-say-is-online-because-im-the-fucking-public-figure-at-the-top-of-a-vast-pyramid Sabet. (It’s corrupt turtles all the way down.)
Some days you really need to call a spade a spade and call its farting as farting. Especially if that spade insists on presenting itself as a diamond tiara and its farting as perfume.
As a side note though, too bad whore is such a succinct and easy word to use. It’s stigmatized and too often used as an insult in itself. “Whores” and “druggies” and everyone else are involved in the same overlapping fight. The human right to self ownership and the goals of genuine harm reduction for individuals and for society. I think Pete acknowledged that with his apology to the honest whores.
I like to think of Mr. Sabet (who I strongly doubt posts here guys…), and all men and women like him, as whited sepulchers. It seems to capture their purpose and internal essence quite well.
Good point about “whore.” When sex workers screw people, it’s consensual. “Mercenary rapist” might be a better name for Kev.
I rather like the whited sepulchers. It sounds like the perfect storage for kevi’s ilk.
Kevin doesn’t live atop an Ivory Tower. He lives in the loft of the Tower of Babel. His nation only speaks one tongue (prohibition) but God will strike it down into a world of different languages (states rights). Amen.
Kevin, your sophistry is crushed by dialeticism.
KEVIN SABEET IS A STUPID BASTARD. HE DESERVES to be RAVAGED by AIDS and specifically AIDS and I AM HAPPY AND VERY PROUD to say that – WHY? BECAUSE anybody who would spend any energy promoting or enforcing or believing in prohibition deserves to experience the consequences their beliefs and behaviors effect upon drug users. BY THE WAY as Pete said people said – someone, some, i dont know, NERDY loser perhaps, pathetic, abused kid in grade school during their youth?? Or maybe just someone who smokes way too much weed and does way too many boring easy drugs like hallucinagenics perhaps, so theyre into that lame hippy scene and thus are all about peace and love and all that dumb crap – yea someone said apparently “hey pete knock off the personal attacks” WHY? WHATS WRONG WITH PERSONAL ATTACKS? SO WHAT? Just like the letter the football player wrote, personal attack is freedom of speech. WHAT KIND OF PATHETIC COWARD cant stand a personal attack? WOW. what the hell. There are people out there who get upset about insults, who really cant handle insults? HEY THIS IS NOT UTOPIA and THE IDEA THAT a WORLD without bullying WILL NOT EVER exist a world without insults will not exist. Ha. People are so f’n pathetic and stupid honestly “oh wah wah wah with the personal attacks” GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! have some freakin guts, dont be such a freakin wuss for gods sake. SERIOUSLY. What are you anyhow and anybody who wants to cry about personal attacks, grow some balls, seriously and if you cant or dont have then buy some illegal drugs as in steroids and get some artificial testosterone flowing. yea you see there is definitely NEVER going to be a world without bullying, without physical and emotional attacking and guess what? if you cant handle it then you are really a pathetic freakin coward who makes me sick. seriously. Some people deserve it and others dont and its all based on perspective, in my opinion Kevin Sabeet deserves so much more than just verbal/written attacks on line. he deserves aids the kind that junkies like me have to worry about getting in this world of prohibition. the kind my junkie brothers and sisters live with and die with everyday. yes i am a junkie and i am proud and its not kevin sabets god damn place to tell me that i cant shoot heroin that i cant sniff or smoke heroin that i cant chug a bottle of roxis if i freakin want to. its my body its my brain its my freakin desire. thats what i want to do and thats what i will always do prohibition or not ive been a junkie for a very very long time and i have seen it all and done it all trust me. i love my junkie life. i love my fellow junkies. anybody like kevin sabet is a menace to my junkie life and my junkie family. and IF YOU THINK FOR ONE MINUTE that i can sit here and say there will never be a world without bullying and attacking and then you try to say well there will never be a world with legal heroin or drug legalization well then your an idiot and not only a simple minded coward of the highest order but a down right waste of humanity and flesh – theres a reason BECAUSE THERE IS A WORLD WITH GLOBAL LEGALIZATION OF ALL DRUGS HARD SOFT EASY GOOD SUCKY you know why BECAUSE THE PLANET EARTH HAS BEEN A PLANET EARTH OF TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE 100% DRUG LEGALIZATION FOR 99% OF ITS ENTIRE EXISTENCE B.C TO A.D. Dont be so ignorant as to forget the idea of drug prohibition is NEW insofar as it has only been around for a comparatively little while compared to the history of the planet indeed the very history that was lived and cultivated to bring us to where we are today. indeed global drug freedom and legalization existed for thousands of years and it undoubtedly will return. the early 1900s is when prohibition began and prohibition is no different than persecution. Pol Pot had the intellectuals. Nazi’s had the jews. Sometimes genocide lasts more than one generation. The current persecution, prosecution and witch hunt against drug lovers is nothing more than the modern day inquisition. When people who are cowards and ignorant enough to believe that they are somehow special and godly enough to demand that other human beings (who are truly no different than they) live as they do want what they want and they have the power to enact it. However, these inhumane devices all came to an end eventually and the main reason why is because at the core they were WRONG. drug prohibition is WRONG. but the fact of the matter is Kevin Sabet knows what drug prohibition does. While he may want to play deaf when opponents challenge him he has been exposed to information, he cannot plead ignorance. he knows from those who challenge him that drug prohibition ruins lives, destroys lives, spreads disease etc. He cannot plead ignorance that he endeavors to hurt people with what he encourages. The christian monitor??? Is he a religious??? Oh god the religious..no pun intended. jesus. no pun intended. but seriously the religious are so messed up man and so out of their freakin minds. Atleast drug users can SEE the fake big man in the sky, and when they tell you “oh i see a big man in the sky… he is mighty..he…he….he tells me i should love my neighbor…” atleast the drug user has a reason but the prohibition lovin religious nut job? they dont do drugs they have no reason to think the make believe is real.. Oh man. so i really doubt anybody on our side, the reform side, would defend kevin…or any personal attack on him. i would have to figure it would be one of his friends and yes i am shocked he has any. if so, i wonder what theyre doing here reading our stuff anyway? GET LOST PANSIES. seriously. god i hate people sometimes. i cant get over the fact that anybody would be so stupid as to say “lay off the personal attacks” OH MY GOD man GET A THERAPIST YOU PATHETIC FOOL OF A SIMPLETON. lol. jeez i cant wait to shoot up now and calm down i just hope i wont think about sabet and these morons during my wonderful heroin opiate high and get a buzz kill…. pete great article again and thank you i loved that wonderful headline he really is a whore and yes indeed the junkie chicks and dudes i know forced to make love for money for opiates because of prohibition, they do understand and take no offense. i do hope sabet goes to church sunday gets totally high on god and so inebriated on chrisitan godliness that he wakes up in bed next to said junkie prostitute and soon thereafter discovers he has aids, leprosy, syph and crabs. as well as a hurting butthole from some kinky winky…blame it on the holy wine and the invisble man. god i hate kevin sabet. god i love heroin. prohibition sucks. people like prohibition suck more. people that promote, encourage, endeavor to perpetuate prohibition swallow.. and they swallow from male junkie aids infested prostitutes – so infected because of prohibition that they promote. vicious cycle man. very vicious. thats a drugwar rant for you. amen.
C’mon, C.J. Don’t hold back…tell us how you REALLY feel! 😉
Holy crap! I laughed, I cried…….man your poetry is awesome! rant killer insult destroy poetry, poetry nonetheless.
Pete -don’t be so mean to him -go and give him a hug -make up and shake hands, but make sure you wash your hands afterwards because there’s no telling what kind of filth he has contracted.
I think we’re all speechless after that rant by CJ, who obviously is addicted to heroin and needs help. You have a great readership on here, Pete. And once again, you’ve turned this ex legalizer into a neutral nonbeliever of any side because of your irresponsible ranting. I know I’ll be flamed for this, but f*ck you guys are cruel and disgusting. DISGUSTING.
So sorry, Miss Manners. Freedom of speech, you know? America, you know? Totalitarian political correctness is still totalitarianism.
And don’t you think CJ would be better off if he could obtain his medicine from a public health nurse like in Switzerland than what he has to do now in America the free? The America that punishes him in the extreme for a “crime” against himself?
If you think the current prohibition regime in America is anything but evil (and apparently you are now “neutral” because your delicate feelings got hurt by all the disgusting brutes that post naughty words here), then you are part of the problem.
Well, you changed your email this time to give yourself a new avatar as I suggested. So that’s some progress. But the name choice was terrible. “Grossedout”? It’s clearly a one-off handle (or are you ALWAYS grossed out?) Plus, it’s too similar to your previous name “Disgusting.” And then to make matters worse, you actually use the word “disgusting” in the new comment. TWICE. The substance of your comment is also too formulaic. But realistically simulating a variety of perspectives and writing styles is probably too advanced to get into today. We can work on that more once you’ve gotten a handle on the basics of trolling. Be patient. You’ll get there.
Thank so much, Grossedout!
You say:
Absolutely. They’re fantastic.
Also, I find it interesting that you’d change your opinion about a topic of fact based on your reaction to one blog’s criticism of one person, instead of on … the facts.
You know who does that kind of thing? A concern troll.
compared to the WO(s)D, on one aspect alone, all the profanity, the gross insults and devil-may-care craziness are but puffy white clouds…
… compared to the WO(s)D obscenities (that has turned the The Land of the Free into the land of the Most Incarcerated ) these words are nothing.
What you read here are only words, emotions… what the WO(s)D is is real bullets, real lives ruined and families destroyed. The drugs part is easy – regulation to minimize the health harms, like in Switzerland – but as long as there are people like you the encroachment of a militarized law enforcement/justice system will only get worse, turning us into a country my father (Battle of the Bulge infantry veteran) would hardly recognize, and certainly wouldn’t appreciate.
Even former drug kzar Barry McCaffrey called the US prison industrial complex “the new gulag.”
Concern trolls indeed… prozac® addicts more likely…
Yeah, I kinda sorta know Kevin in a professional capacity, and he’s a real asshole in real life too. Kev, you know who I am, come get me bitch.
We can’t forget Roger Morgan; there is something seriously wrong with that guy. <—–PC, as I could have stated "he is a fucking retard". <——STILL PC as it is a quote.
Right now I’m giggling uncontrollably. I hereby pronounce this thread EPIC.
Tis a good’n ain’t it?
What I find impressive is that people actually believe that if you want to get the flies out of the kitchen it works if you put a bucket of shit in the living room… figuratively speaking…