Presidential election today in Mexico.
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Waiting with anticipation to see what the new ruling party does,,they were pretty much controlled by the cartels when they were in charge before and will probably be just as corrupt this time,,,waiting to see if US will use mercenary forces to do black ops in Mexico or if Mexico tells US to suck a root and goes into full time drug exportation business,,,money talks.
reposting Sunday Comix and here’s the cartoonist’s comment:
Oh, Please, God. Not Obrador! Finished som Forex work last night, went up to catch the news and when I punched up FoxNews, was met with this placard:”De conformidad con la legislacion electoral vigente esta senal ha sido interrumpida.”
“Under the current electoral legislation this signal has been interrupted.”
No other news station carries that blackout. Only Fox.
let’s see if voting can change things in Mexico. i’ll be happy if it does. it’ll take some cojones to bring peace and rational drug policy to Mexico. i doubt if courage and smarts get you any further in mexican politics than they do in american politics.
And I dought jacking off to drugwarrant news stories is a good thing. Here I’ve been for the past two days been stuck in the fucking attic with no god damn egg noodles.Oh FYI darkcycle give me back my hustler porn mags. Just cause your getting annoyed that I’ve been jacking off loudly these past few weeks doesn’t mean you can puinsh me by taking my porno away.your acting like a drug warrior when you take my eye candy away and tell me its for my own good.jesus just give me a fucking bowl of water every now and then.and please for the love of L.Ron Pete can someone take me outside to go potty once in a while. This bucket Allen left me is getting pretty full. I’ve ran out of that trader joe’s wiskey that someone left me.and now my withdraws are causing sezuires.if I don’t get Kevin Sabets booty up in the attic soon I swear to god I’m gonna start rapping non sense again. Is this really what pete’s couch needs? Another little wiggle freestyle that sounds tighter than a dick in the butt. It’s getting loney up here,I could use a new A.C mine broke.also I want a girl to keep me company.any of you have a daughter for sale? Maybe 8 sheckels?please I’m getting ancy here.if I don’t get what I request I’m gonna go fail dare that what you want? Is it.
!tnuc diputs uoy ffo kcuF
See? What I get for my trouble? Wiggles, if you don’t pipe down I’ll take you back to that bridge I found you living under.
Cartels cast shadow over Mexico polls
Stars and Stripes
“”If there is one thing almost everyone involved in divisive drug debates agrees on, it is that current President Felipe Calderon’s strategy – sending the military to battle drug gangs and attempting to arrest major leaders while seizing shipments – did not work.
When asked if a pact between a new PRI government and gangsters could reduce violence, the senior security official simply said: “Yes.”” ‘snipped’
My comment:
We seem to forget that one of our most favored President’s grandfather was a bootlegger,,their wealth and power was acquired during alcohol prohibition and the same things are happening now in Mexico,,,what new leaders will the US backed prohibition bring forth from amongst today’s criminals and tomorrows leaders?
All we can really hope for is that our children are smarter than we are and that they read history,,,no prohibition by any government/ruler has ever been successful and has destroyed many civilizations/regimes,,,even God could not enforce prohibition,,and He only had two people to watch.
LEAP’s Peter Christ was the one that introduced that little snippet to me… loved it the moment I heard it. We used it in his oped in the Star-Gazette (NY) in Feb of 2008:
Thnx Allan,,hadn’t read that one,,I was doodling phrases/quips and came up with that one,,not saying I hadn’t heard similar but different quips but that was as short and concise as I could make it.
part of participating w/ MAP’s LTE writers back in da day is that someone would coin a good un, a real zinger and we’d all adopt it in one form or another… it kept all our writing fresh and evolving (of course Rob’t Sharpe was on virtual qwertyroids). Which, if I’m not mistaken, is the big edge we have over *them* – we have evolved, them… not so much evolving as devolving. And the cartels are more into dissolving… brrr…
Another edge we have that generally gets overlooked by others/non-cannabists is the herb itself… when you go into a tavern or to a party you don’t walk up and drink outta someone’s mug… but a doob? Pass that sucker. Cannabis can be/is a social ambassador/moderator, an encourager of cooperation and easer of tensions.
Go to a Franti & Spearhead show w/ all them potheads and then go to a Tech9 (or Dropkick Murphys) show where hard alcohol is served and hard drinkers are partyin’…
… and thusly, I rest my case.
Voting ended an hour ago and FoxNews is still the only news outlet blocked! Wonder what they’re afraid of
Why do I so often read that the countries that are really “tough on (some) drugs” haven’t got anyone who does use them? Am I recalling incorrectly that Indonesia has heinous penalties for even petty possession of cannabis? Maybe their lawmakers need to learn how to send a message?
Does anyone else find the notion of “detaining” prison inmates currently serving sentences as ludicrous as I do?
42,800,000,000,000 (42.8 trillion) Indonesian Rupiahs = $4,514,765,493.40 at the close of business on 6/29. The population of Indonesia was 239,870,000 in 2010 according to the World Bank.
Kerobokan is Shapelle Corby’s current residence.
The PRI takes it!
Now, let’s watch. This next year is going to be very interesting!
I’m hoping the new president will take a less violent stance on fighting drug traffickers which will hopefully make it harder on American law enforcement to stop the drugs coming in. They have a chance to really make a stand and actually act on what they spoke about in the American Summit(or whatever it was called). I’m afraid they will just accept the USA’s blood money and continue our failed drug policy.
IMO, if the PRI party has any sense they will just leave the traffickers alone and let the USA deal with it. It’s our appetite that supports the dealers and Mexico shouldn’t have to pay in the blood of it’s citizens and police for our drug obsession.
Do you really think that taking a less violent approach will make it easier for cartels to move drugs? I mean, did Calderón’s militarization make it harder?
Absurd article in Huffpo “How Loss of Enthusiasm Among Youth Voters Could Cost Obama the Presidency.” Focused mainly on students, it goes on for page after page without a single mention of the drug war, mmj raids or the impact of laws which destroy the lives of millions of young people, and which the president hypocritically supports:
The president’s loss of those young students was Ron Paul’s gain and they are part of what got him the 500 or so delegates he now has. Should Ron Paul, by some strange turn of events gain the nomination (like the long shot of having the majority of delegates choose him over Romney), he will again benefit from getting their votes in November.
Exclusive: In His Second Term, Obama Will Pivot to the Drug War
Trust me, I’m a politician.
Look what he said before his first term:
End foreign wars
Close Gitmo
Not go after mmj
Investigate the bush era crimes
Won’t employ lobbyists
Investigate Wall st fraud
And no doubt I could find many more with 10 minutes to spare
“According to ongoing discussions with Obama aides and associates, if the president wins a second term, he plans to tackle another American war that has so far been successful only in perpetuating more misery: the four decades of The Drug War.” This seems like a pretty vague lead.
Read More
Similar story in the Huff Post. . Looks like the White House knows we’re upset an maybe feels a little heat.
First: DON’T BELIEVE IT! Not for a fucking second…look where his loyalties lie and ask yourself “Why would he do a 180 now and ruin his chances for library endowments, and honorary seats on boards of directors and all that influence?” Second, he’s lied about everything else related to, well, everything…why on God’s green earth would I be willing to believe him now? But it does say we are having an impact, and they feel it. All that banging on the wall must be shakin’ the (White) House.
Oh, that goes to goes to GQ too. Look at Huff post’s front page…
But everyone is scared of Mr. Mittens!
Okay I read the GQ story & while it’s really more about how young people aren’t enthused to go out and vote/volunteer for the Obama re-election campaign, disillusioned 2008 campaign workers, etc.
I can’t tell if the “Pivot to the Drug War” is supposed to be “positive” or “negative” (regardless of which side the reader is on)…
Is it Pivoting to
A. Fighting the Drug War more vigorously? -OR-
B. Ending the Drug War?
C. OR – maybe just ending the war on marijuana and “re-upping” (as it were) the rest of the “Drug War” = on meth, cocaine, heroin, etc???
B. Snow,,,by now most have figured out that the war on drugs,or at least the war on opium,cocaine and meth are just smoke and mirrors,,because a war just on marijuana/hemp would never float.
The government(replace with banks)don’t want a legal market for anyhing they are already making billions off of.
Yes, they’re scared of Mr. Mittens…putting them in the same civil rights hurt locker that they threw us into 40 years ago and slammed the door in our faces.
No words can express my contemptuous disgust. Every time I see some DLC shill or their Useful Idiots parroting that crap on various fora, I ask them where they’ve been for all that time? We’re already in the place they are so terrified of going…and they want our help to stay out of it, after putting us there?
The lack of self-awareness or introspection on the part of the Dem apparatus regarding the irony of their efforts would normally be seen as shocking, but for us it’s just another day in the sick, twisted version of Wonderland this country’s become.
They’ve been screaming “Off with their heads!” (or more likely, “Off the heads.”) all this time, and then they turn around without a single bit of shame or guilt and then have the temerity to sternly warn us how bad things will get with another 1%er handmaiden who will do terrible things to us…if we don’t vote for the man who’s doing terrible things to us, already.
So, which are they? Sociopaths or just plain stupid?
“So, which are they? Sociopaths or just plain stupid?”
I’m afraid the only answer to that question is “yes”.
Darkcycle: I don’t believe it. I wound up posting the naked link simply because I couldn’t think of anything useful to add to it.
If the Democrats don’t have a drug war plan that includes legalization and regulation, they don’t have a plan period.
The Democrats really need to brush up on political history. An inability to follow up on political promises is one of the things that resulted in the socialist party in Weimer Germany (SDP) being cast aside in favor of the Nazis (NSDAP) in 1933.
This kind of neglect is a serious and continuing problem for the Democrats, yet they seem to believe they gain political capital by brushing legal reform aside. Obama’s lame excuse, that the president can do nothing to change laws, is not only historically wrong, it’s a total and completely obvious copout.
It appears that the Arkansas cannabis law reform advocates have quietly collected enough signatures to put a medicinal cannabis patient protection law on the ballot this November.
Marijuana drive meets signature goal
I suppose the bad news is that we’ll be subjected to a bunch of lame “but I didn’t inhale” and “no dope in Hope” puns.
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Is it my imagination or does Señor Peña Nieto look like the head of the Mexican cartel who married Nancy Botwin in the 5th season of Weeds?
“I don’t know about the other drugs, though.”
Why do we continue to hear/see such nonsense. There’s NO reason not to legalize Opium and Coca- the plants and products representing them in their natural potencies at a minimum.
Imagine an alternative reality where we made caffeine and nicoine into white powder poisons. Drug policy reform must break away from the death grip around Ira Glasser etc, like some sort of twisted advice from some cigarette-pharma conflict of interest law firm to protect pharma and cigarettes:
And this April 1 piece:
NO discussion of the drug war should overlook the reality of it as an illegal market protection scam for cigarettes- which is obvious from that p 230 chart of cigarette production with the upturns happening with the various ‘drug control’ statutes in 1906, 1914 and 1937.
Yet we continue to see all of this ‘scholarly’ work that completely neglects this.
By focusing upon MJ to the exclusion of Coca and Opium we have unwittingly extended prohibition. Why continue to do so?
The czarist UNODCP is putting pressure on Uruguay to discourage the Uruguayan government from legalizing and regulating marijuana. Brazil and Argentina are likely to pay close attention to what happens in Uruguay:
“Yury Fedotov, executive director of the UN Office on Drugs on Crime told reporters: ‘Should it happen of course that would be a serious violation of the Single convention and Uruguay is a party to this convention… I’m also aware that the President of the International Narcotic Control Board is planning an urgent mission to Uruguay to discuss the situation with the authorities of this country.’
There is no official reaction from the US administration; drug czar Gil Kerlikowske has remained silent so far. While Guatemalan president Perez Molina warmly greeted the news, Colombia President Juan Manuel Santos, who had appeared to be favorable to open drug policy debate, was highly critical of the Uruguayan move. The Uruguayan debate must be followed closely in neighboring Brazil and Argentina where a debate on drug policy in ongoing, with Brazil scheduled to vote in July on decriminalization of possession for personal use of all drugs.â€
From the winner of this year’s best (alleged) journalist writing for a throwaway:
Medical Marijuana is ‘Sham’ Just to Get High, Obama Official Says
Why fight it? He doesn’t want our votes anyway.
Police Use Excessive Force, Vandalize Marijuana Dispensary
Long Beach Police Department officers are shown using excessive force and vandalizing a local dispensary in surveillance video footage released by collective management. ‘snipped’
Police putting foot on perks neck,,destroying security equipment,,not seizing for evidence.
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The filter always holds any comment with more than a certain number of links (4 or 5) because it looks like spam – particularly if they’re all from the same site.
Have faith in the moderator.
I wonder if any of the US “agencies” helped PRI regain power.
A while back, someone on here posted a list of the ten drugs responsible for the most accidental deaths (I recall Vioxx and acetaminophen being on there).
Could you please post it again?
Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year.
“An estimated 770,000 people are injured or die each year in hospitals from adverse drug events (ADEs) defined as an injury resulting from medical intervention related to a drug. Not all, but many, IF NOT MOST, of these adverse drug events are preventable.”
* The number of deaths from drug poisonings in the U.S. has increased sixfold since 1980.
* In 2008, more than 41,000 people in the U.S. died from intentional and accidental poisonings – Nine out of 10 were due to drugs. These deaths exceeded the number of deaths from automobile accidents making poisoning the leading cause of injury death. (CDC National Center for Health Statistics 1980 to 2008)
Fully 40% of these deaths in 2008 involved the use of prescription opioid pain relievers such as codeine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine, and oxycodone, (was 25% in 1999) – In 2008, Cocaine was involved in about 5,100 deaths and heroin was involved in about 3,000 deaths.
* PRESCRIPTION PAINKILLERS: drugs like oxycodone and hydrocodone, the main ingredients in Oxycontin and Vicodin, landed 305,885 Americans in emergency rooms in 2008 — more than double the 144,644 visits in 2004, (2010 study by Samsha and the CDC)
Overdose deaths involving these opioid pain relievers (oxycodone and hydrocodone; and synthetic narcotics such as fentanyl and propoxyphene) now exceed deaths from heroin and cocaine combined (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Prescription drug overdoses have been increasing in the United States over the last decade, and by 2008 had reached 36,450 deaths – almost as many as from motor vehicle crashes (39,973).
* VIOXX: On January 24, 2005, the medical journal The Lancet published on its website a report on Vioxx risks that was previously blocked by the FDA. The study found that Vioxx may have caused as many as 140,000 cases of heart disease in the United States and as many as 56,000 deaths during the five years that it was on the market. The newly published study of 1.4 million patients shows that that low doses of Vioxx increased the risk of heart disease by about 50%, and higher doses increased it by 358%.
* ACETAMINOPHEN: ( found in more than 300 products with sales in the billions of dollars annually) Acetaminophen overdoses are the leading cause of acute liver failure (ALF) in the United States, Great Britain and most of Europe. Acetaminophen toxicity accounts for approximately 50% of all cases of ALF in the United States and carries a 30% mortality. -More than 100,000 calls to Poison Control Centers, 56,000 emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations and nearly 500 deaths are attributed to acetaminophen in the United States annually.
* ANTIDEPRESSANTS: The respected journal, PLoS ONE, published a study in June 2010, showing that men who are depressed and take trycyclic, SSRI, or any other antidepressants die at a significantly greater rate than those who don’t. – Performed in Australia, the study followed 5,276 men aged 68-88.
“The results of this study indicate that the 6-year adjusted mortality hazard is twice as high for men with depression compared with non-depressed men and that the use of antidepressants is associated with an independent rise in mortality of 30%. .. We found that antidepressant treatment increases the mortality hazard of men by 30%, and this association is independent of the presence of clinically significant depression. .. It is also important to consider that the use of antidepressants has been associated with numerous potentially harmful effects, some of which may increase morbidity and mortality. For example, antidepressant treatment has been linked to increased risk of injurious and non-injurious falls in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, and there is some evidence that the use of common antidepressants increases the risk bleeding in various body systems, including the central nervous system, as well as the risk of incident diabetes. In addition, recently published findings from the Nurses’ Health Study showed an increase in the number of sudden cardiac deaths associated with the use of antidepressants, a result that is consistent with our observation of an excess of cardiovascular deaths amongst men using antidepressants.”
Postmenopausal Women on antidepressants are 45% more likely than those not on such medication to have a stroke, and 32% more likely to die of any cause. – There is an increased likelihood of Hemorrhagic strokes (bleeding in the brain) which is possibly the result of the anti-clotting effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which are most frequently prescribed for depression. The authors of the study noted that since post-menopausal women make up the largest segment of patients in the United States on antidepressants, the resulting increases in strokes and deaths across the country could be significant.
A study published in 2009 found that SSRIs interfered with the breast cancer medication tamoxifen, with tumors more than twice as likely to return after two years in women taking antidepressants compared with those taking tamoxifen alone.
Children whose mothers take Zoloft, Prozac, or similar antidepressants during pregnancy are twice as likely as other children to have a diagnosis of autism or a related disorder.
GlaxoSmithKline settles drug-marketing case for $3 billion
Government-sponsored study destroys DEA’s classification of marijuana