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Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “A sizeable drop in opioid deaths is attributable to the ONDCP’s social and medical intervention programs or strategies. However, addiction…” Mar 11, 21:52
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Video story of FBI Director who was set up and busted by crooked cops for cocaine possession: FBI Director busted” Mar 11, 19:03
author on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “What is your opinion on the effectiveness of the ONDCP’s current strategies?” Mar 11, 10:35
Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “OT: has anybody experienced that their all-time favorite album doesn’t come from their favorite band?” Mar 8, 07:52
Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “The local VA clinic in my small town supports Cannabis use over the standard meds they dish out for pain…” Mar 8, 07:48
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Nature publication repaired link: Nature: A cryptic pocket in CB1 drives peripheral and functional selectivity” Mar 5, 19:39
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Scientists develop a molecule that mimics the pain relieving activity of cannabinoids without cannabis’ other mental side effects. 05-MAR-2025 –…” Mar 5, 19:34
Siân Llad newydd on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Saint Barthwell was right; you maricocoswrs are a threat to decent cardigans, everywhere!” Mar 3, 16:42
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Monthly Archives: February 2012
Triage in the Drug War (updated)
Mark A.R. Kleiman has an excellent OpEd in The American Interest: Triage in the Drug War In particular, Kleiman’s analysis of the falsehoods and fallacies of the drug war really hits the mark. Certainly, he has a more optimistic view … Continue reading
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Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn
Link “It is time we were honest about the problems we face with the drug trade. Drugs are a source of criminal profit, and that has led to shootings and even murders. Just like we learned in the 1920s with … Continue reading
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Odds and Ends
Hope for the future Check out this outstanding OpEd by Brown University Junior Jared Moffat: U.S. drug policies are a crime against humanity Myanmar declares a war on opium Gee, I wonder why nobody thought of that before. A war … Continue reading
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The utter futility of drug laws
The underlying justification for most prohibitionists (other than sadomoralists) is that prohibition somehow is responsible for massive reductions in the use of drugs (and therefore a host of imagined societal-destroying maladies caused by drug use). Although you’ll pretty much never … Continue reading
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Ron Paul keeps the discussion going
In Vancouver: “If we are allowed to deal with our eternity and all that we believe in spiritually, and if we’re allowed to read any book that we want under freedom of speech, why is it we can’t put into … Continue reading
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Just what is the homeland?
When President Otto Perez of Guatemala proposed legalization of drugs, an interesting question was how and whether the U.S. would respond. Well, the U.S. is actually sending someone to talk with him about legalization! US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano … Continue reading
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Motel Caswell
I’ve mentioned the asset forfeiture case of the Motel Caswell before, but here is some good additional coverage. The issue is that the Motel Caswell, which Russ Caswell and his family have owned free and clear for two generations, is … Continue reading
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Open Thread
New voice in drug-war debate: businessmen who are feeling the pinch But it’s the private sector’s understanding of the hemispheric supply chain and demand, he says, that posits business leaders to lend their voice to the debate, says Zamora. “[I]t … Continue reading
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Prohibitionist solution to failed drug war: double down
Kevin Sabet has another OpEd as part of the New York Times Room for Debate: How to Treat the Epidemic Second, our governments must lead a more coordinated and vigorous attack on this problem. Our governments’ coordinated and vigorous attack … Continue reading
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Headlines that help you realize you need to change the world
Editorial in the Bangkok Post: Quick executions no solution to drug problem When the voice of reason is that you should take some time before executing convicted drug offenders rather then executing them immediately, then the entire conversation itself exists … Continue reading
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