Despite a new survey that shows seven out of ten Floridians support drug testing welfare recipients,but former White House Drug Policy Coordinator Barry McCaffrey says the testing is counterproductive.[…]
Asked about Florida’s new policy of testing welfare recipients…some of whom are returning veterans, McCaffrey says the policy is misguided.
“What kind of sense does that make? You’ve got to make the barriers to entering rehabilitation low. You want people in treatment,†McCaffrey said.
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Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “A sizeable drop in opioid deaths is attributable to the ONDCP’s social and medical intervention programs or strategies. However, addiction…” Mar 11, 21:52
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author on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “What is your opinion on the effectiveness of the ONDCP’s current strategies?” Mar 11, 10:35
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Siân Llad newydd on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Saint Barthwell was right; you maricocoswrs are a threat to decent cardigans, everywhere!” Mar 3, 16:42
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“What kind of sense does that make? You’ve got to make the barriers to entering rehabilitation low. You want people in treatment,†McCaffrey said.
With McCaffery,,a low barrier consists of police arresting you,,lawyers being hired,,rehab being assigned by the court
to avoid imprisonment.
Anything else bypasses his and Kerli’s pay per arrest enforcement plan.
Frightening comments on that website.
How about a drug test for anyone who receives state money of any sort? That would include all state employees, anyone on disability, cops, the lady at the DMV, and state legislators. Oh, yes, and judges and prosecutors.
To make 100% certain no drug addicts receive any state money, the CHECKS THEMSELVES could be the drug test. In order to cash a state check, payees would be required to dip the check into a jar of their own urine before endorsing the check in front of a bank teller. If the check turns green it means “cash”. If the check turns red it means “summon police”.
What do you guys think?
What do we think about pisstastes? “Ihre Papiere, bitte!”
Here’s why people feel pisstaste are kosher…
Conservatives Have Larger ‘Fear Centers’ in Their Brains
Liberals have more gray matter in a part of the brain associated with understanding complexity, while the conservative brain is bigger in the section related to processing fear, said the study on Thursday in Current Biology.
The Wrecking Crew, on How Conservatives Rule
But the most insidious one, the most insidious scheme for permanence, the one that really strikes me, is the use of deficit spending by the right. OK, now, I don’t have a problem with deficit spending. Liberals have used it for decades very effectively. If you’re a Keynesian, it’s one of the tools that you use to get the country out of a recession or, build low-income housing, or whatever it is that you want to do with the state, right? But the conservatives got into power in the early 1980s, and they’re handed this tool, the big old—you know, the power tool of deficit spending, and I’ll be damned, they run that sucker right into the ground and piled up the biggest deficit anyone has ever seen, short of World War II.
Dung Tzar Turner getting rich Selling Piss Tastes
Turner was forced to resign after announcing his conclusions in public that marijuana caused homosexuality, the breakdown of the immune system, and, therefore, AIDS.
After his resignation, Turner joined with Robert L. DuPont and former head of NIDA, Peter Bensinger to corner the market on urine testing.
Soon after Turner left office, Nancy Reagan recommended that no corporation be permitted to do business with the Federal government without having a urine purity policy in place to show their loyalty.
Just as G. Gordon Liddy went into high-tech corporate security after his disgrace, Carlton Turner became a rich man in what has now become a huge growth industry: urine-testing.
The Death Profiteers
* The death penalty in California costs the state almost $200 million
California has rarely executed convicts since the death penalty was reinstated there in 1978, but the state has managed to spend $4 billion taxpayer dollars on capital punishment since then, according to a new cost analysis.
* Capital Punishment: Deterrent Effects & Capital Costs
Capital punishment stirs up fierce debate in the United States. In this essay, Professor Jeff Fagan questions research that supports the long-accepted view of the deterrent effect of capital punishment. States must also come to terms with the fact that each execution can cost between $2.5 million to $5 million, he writes, and ask themselves whether that money can be put to better law enforcement uses.
* Cost – New Jerseyans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
A 2005 report by New Jersey Policy Perspective revealed that New Jersey has spent $253 million on a death penalty system that has executed no one.
* Another reason NY shouldn’t bring back the death penalty
* An Economic Argument to End the Death Penalty?
* COST – Montana Abolition Coalition | Ending the Death Penalty
* Cost – Equal Justice USA
* Death penalty costs California more than $300m per execution Jun 20, 2011
The full burden of the death penalty in California has been laid bare by new research that calculates that each of the 13 prisoners executed in the state over the past three decades has cost more than $300m (£185m).
The study, by two senior legal figures, includes costs incurred at both state and federal level in keeping 714 death row inmates incarcerated as well as steering them through the tortuous judicial process all the way to the death chamber.
* Capital Stupidity: The Death Penalty Costs California $300 Million
paul, why in the world would you endorse adopting their tactics? Is it just a competition to see who can be the bigger asshole?
Well i like your enthusiasm but your not being very real
Of 2,000 tests the state had to reimburse 1,950 costing $58500. at the rate of $30.00 a test. According to stats there were 2,5% positive tests per 2000. What a great way to be popular!
Well they certainly have gotten the cost per positive test down. 2.5% of 2000 is 50, 58500/50 = $1,170 per. The last time I saw that statistic it was $20k per.
MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O’donnell with “The Last Word”
As a voting Florida Resident all I can say is that in my opinion, 7 out of 10 Floridians when it comes to political matters are total idiots that do exactly what the media says without putting any thought into it at all. Just look at who they elected Governor, a man that in court took the 5th amendment so many times it was a crime unto itself. And I am a registered republican.. These residents are the ones that back red light cameras and every freedom taking law that any politician brings them. If I had the means to leave this state I would be gone today..
Sorry for going off-topic, but I like to share what I write in the Wall Street Journal comments section about the war on some drugs fwiw.
The article is titled “Health Overhaul Heads to Justices”.
This will likely be decided by the interpretation of the Commerce Clause.
Since the original clause has clearly been abandoned, given our Supreme Court has irrationally applied the clause (“To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes;”) to allow Congress to ban the non-economic possession of a certain plant, and given that rationality is obviously essential in interpretation, there is no legal grounding to rely on.
The political makeup of our highest court will decide the outcome, not our Constitution, nor justice. It all comes down to politics, ironically the greatest injustice against mankind.
For all of you now claiming that if Congress can force you to buy health insurance, then our Constitution has no meaning, welcome to the greatest American cause (putting down the net-resulting public servant revolution against the limits of power implicitly set in our self-proclaimed “supreme law of the land”), but that meaning is surely already lost based on the public record.
Today’s “interpretation” of the Commerce Clause allows Congress to regulate any activity having a substantial effect on interstate commerce. See the big switch? Compare “To regulate commerce” versus “To regulate any activity”.
The fact is your thought activity, which defines every part of your buying and selling decisions, always has a substantial effect on interstate commerce. Does Congress have the authority to regulate your thoughts? That depends on what our public servants in our judicial branch think, not what is written in our Constitution.
Sadly, power no longer rests within our Constitution as intended by our Founding Fathers to avoid the abuse of power. Instead, such power exists within its interpretation (at best), and that makes us vulnerable to such abuse.
After over two centuries of sustaining pre-American dominant thinking (i.e. allowing the people in power to define your liberty, not our “Creator”), are we finally going to experience an American generation who does not just “talk the talk” when it comes to the brilliant definition of liberty in the U.S. Declaration of Independence that negates the possibility of our public servants legally defining risk?
I leave you with the opening paragraph of the dissent by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in 2005, who in the politically-right ruling of Gonzales v. Raich (i.e. the only case a conservative-dominated court avoided reversing the ridiculous extent of the Commerce Clause, because of their unhealthy obsession against marijuana) made the statement many of you make in this comments thread:
“Respondents Diane Monson and Angel Raich use marijuana that has never been bought or sold, that has never crossed state lines, and that has had no demonstrable effect on the national market for marijuana. If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything–and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers.”
Scott, you seem to discount the tradition of Supreme Court Justices of doing the opposite of what you’d expect. You mention Raich while railing against the conservatives. You also seem to be re-writing history when you call the decision a product of the conservative Justices.
The majority opinion was written by Justice Stevens, arguably the most liberal justice.
Justice O’Connor* wrote the official dissent. Justice O’Connor was appointed by Ronald Reagan. “O’Connor often became the swing vote on the Court. However, she usually disappointed the Court’s more liberal bloc in contentious 5–4 decisions: from 1994 to 2004, she joined the traditional conservative bloc of Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, and Thomas 82 times; she joined the liberal bloc of John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer only 28 times.”
It would be pure comedy to label Justice Thomas** liberal.
Justice Rehnquist a liberal?*** Surely you jest. Are you aware that Justice Roberts was his hand picked successor?
I wonder if you knew that the attorneys general of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, three strongly anti-drug states from the usually conservative South, filed a brief supporting Raich on the grounds of states’ rights?
One of the more annoying things about liberal anti-prohibitionists is their simple minded devotion to completely ignoring the significant minority support of ending the idiocy of prohibition by conservatives while completely ignoring the complicity of a significant majority of liberals in promoting and advancing prohibition. There were no liberal Justices that voted against Raich. Perhaps the pathetic defection of Justice Scalia to the liberal side in this decision has you confused. I honestly don’t know, because I simply don’t understand the blind faith of liberals. That faith certainly is not supported by the decisions and beliefs of your favored liberal authorities.
OK DdC, time for you to post 743 ancient and irrelevant links while making immature denigrations worthy of kindergarten kiddies of the names of people with whom you disagree in a pathetic attempt to rewrite history to your liking. Have at it, but denial of reality and acting like a 5 year old won’t make your liberal blindness true. Don’t worry, I’ll continue to skip your posts because they’re utterly worthless.
Liberals make me nauseous. Particularly those liberals who dress in conservative drag and call themselves Republicans.
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“You also seem to be re-writing history when you call the decision a product of the conservative Justices.”
I was going by false information, and now verified that the conservatives made the correct call (except Scalia). Sorry about that. I do not have time to verify everything, since I am a very busy man, trying to do my small part when I can.
Gonzales v. Raich was indeed a liberal-dominated decision.
“One of the more annoying things about liberal anti-prohibitionists is their simple minded devotion to completely ignoring the significant minority support of ending the idiocy of prohibition by conservatives while completely ignoring the complicity of a significant majority of liberals in promoting and advancing prohibition.”
I am not a liberal anti-prohibitionist. As someone who leans conservative, my niche is to inform the majority of conservatives who still apparently support the war on some drugs.
The fact is if the Republicans in majority form understood that repealing the Controlled Substances Act is in tune with at least three conservative principles (upholding our Constitution, promoting individual responsibility, and reducing the size of government), there would be ample pressure in our favor.
At times, I become frustrated by Republican hypocrisy. The minority support is welcome, but is still unacceptable.
This is the reason why I like posting comments, so that I can get feedback, and adapt accordingly.
While I reply here to make amends for my mistake, I will ignore any comment with the reckless tone you supply. If you think that such a tone benefits anyone but you (feel better after that venting?), then you are just as wrong as I am in this case.
Well you see troll. You post a lame opinion that these links are ancient, which is pretty darn stupid since the entire internet hasn’t reached that age of antiquity. Irrelevant to what? You never take a stand that isn’t pure conjecture on your part. Never back it up and go straight into your hole of denial when we show you’re an asshole, probably drunk, spewing hatred to anything without a suit. What dunky, some hippie chick laugh at your penis? Still holding a grudge. Back it up or shut it up… Every link I post counters your unsubstantiated gossip.
More silly tear soaked sniffles dunky? Anything I post you could repost and I could prove you are goofy, but you never say what it actually is, just generalize like a typical troll. Still your lame boring opinion. I only post info and if that info makes your gossip look silly, how is that my fault? Your ad hominem isn’t even on topic. At least when I call you a troll I show why you’re a troll. When you sound like a nark I show your own words and counter them with authors you simply disregard in the ooze of all denialists. Fear. You think you’re some kind of expert and you have nothing of interest to say? Your opinions are status quo and your hatred for Americans is more than obvious. I have no use for you other than to show people your lies when they appear. My pleasure, don’t thank me.
Thank God for Hippies
Well, more of the same repeated gossip. Dude it’s your claim I posted 743 articles and website links showing you to be an ass. Not my words or am I the one in denial. Just more lapdog morons trying to act smart. I really mean morons, maybe imbecilic. You think by using our descriptions of your actions it still makes sense? Your denying what I claim doesn’t make me in denial idiot. You believe the Jews made fun of Hitler and that’s why he acted as he did? Your pitifool acts are on the net dudely. You can’t just lie like that and expect anyone to take your sorry ass word for it. Or think your words will disappear before verification. Oh my bad, your words are never verifiable. Now if you have something to counter my claims I suggest you bring it. Your sobbing doesn’t get sympathy. Just disgust and a few snickers.
You’re welcome. Skip to my lou. I post to show others your lies, not for you to find enlightenment. Crackheads never find enlightenment.
You wouldn’t know a Liberal if he french kissed you on the lips after eating garlic. Boosh junior, your hero was a bigger liberal than Obombo, Clinton and Carter combined. Your buzzwords are as boring as you. Liberal this and liberal that. Its a fucking neocon Ganjawar dude. Both conservatives and liberals would benefit in it’s end. Except for childish temper tantrums and moneysluts buying their silence, you have nothing to add to anything I’ve seen. Not one post with an original thought. I’m glad my efforts to make you sick didn’t go in vein.
Or trolls like you with nothing to say. Take a stand dunk. Not just nark troll crap. What do you believe in other than denial? Nevermind, the only thing more boring than reading your posts is when they are replies. Your weaseling and going in circles makes me dizzy.
Your opinion still have no value dunky. Yawn. You ever find some real evidence to your delusions of a liberal Cliarence Monsanto Thomas, bring it on. Otherwise stay out of the way or stop bitching when you get run over. And stop stealing your own feelings from others. Get a life of your own boy. You can’t be hiding behind labels all your life. Grow the fuck up. Got something to say, bring refs. Don’t believe something, bring an opposing argument with facts and refs. Since you’re a troll I’m not really concerned about it.
Al Capone and Watergate were red herrings to divert the countries attention from the Fascist acts of eliminating competition. Booze/Ethanol or Ganja//Hemp.
This will be posted at the library in case of removal here…
Can you guys get over it already? Jeez, for potheads you guys are way too fucking serious.
DdC and Duncan, you ain’t gonna change the way each other does business. You are both certain of the way the world works, and equally certain the other is an idiot. Face it. As far as that goes you’re BOTH idiots…none of us is the possessor of the whole truth.
Yet you’re both here every fucking day for the exact same reasons. As am I, and Brian, and Clay and Allan, and Diavdab, Windy,Clay, Douglas, and every other regular reader and poster and most of all, Pete. Nobody here HAS to like anybody else. It sure helps when we’re civil, and I think we could all take that advice, myself included.
And I’d like to point out that disagreeing with someone and disliking someone are two different things. Believe it or not, we make a choice to dislike someone, it is not involuntary.
Plus when you guys are arguing, I get this absurd picture in my head of Charlie Brown and a grey cartoon wolf in sunglasses and a green jumpsuit duking it out over a spilled bong and a scattered bag of Cheetos. Peace. Please?
Oh alright DC. When you put it that way. I’m sorry. I’m really really really sorry. By the way I’ve spent the last two hours poking and ridiculing Arizona rednecks on Fox as penance.
Sorry. Really.
I’m sorry.
I’ll really really try to refrain from any snide remarks about DdC in the future. But you know he has a crush on me don’t you? He follows me from site to site. Our bromance didn’t start on DWC, it just started flowering here because Pete is much more tolerant than the other websites, just in case you didn’t know.
Let me reiterate. I’m sorry! I’m really, really sorry I took the money.
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Classic Cheech & Chong, from “Nice Dreams”. The boys recovering from their encounter with Dr. Leary, Mr. Hamburger apologizes, “Mr. Big” in custody, Sgt. Stedenko almost totally morphed into a lizard:
Now let’s get out there and sell some brownies! You know that comes up on top for a youtube search of Cheech and Chong. What’s next, pitching pot pies for Pepperidge Farms?
Now it’s time for my lobotomy.
“Mr. Lizard want a Hamburger? Hmmmmm?”
That was Pee Wee Herman’s crowning achievement.
Nothing to get over dude. I’m not a “pothead”. I’m a cannabis caregiver who tokes joints, not bongs. I’m more against Fascism than I am a legalizer. Bad laws need removal not appeased or compromised or reformed. These prohibition bad laws are there for reasons most here avoid. The money of perpetuating the war and removing competition. Not a new concept. As for serious, truth like the benefits of Ganja either is or it isn’t. What I post I back up and anyone can disagree if they have evidence to back their opinions. Even you. When they blurt out unsubstantiated gossip as fact, then I correct it. It doesn’t take much with the files I have so I don’t see where your opinion is valid. Dunk is a nark troll. End of story.
Dunc has absolutely nothing to do with what I post, unless it’s to show his lies for what they are. Otherwise he is the same troll as any other. I don’t get paid to do this, or do I solicit funds, so it’s not a business.
Your opinion. I post info and let you decide what the world is. Just because it is not the same as the status quo neocon troll sputters, doesn’t mean neocon troll sputters should get equal billing on the truth parade. If you can’t distinguish between truth and gossip I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself.
Again, Speak for yourself. If you choose to lie then it’s your choice. I post info that supports my theories. As much as I can muster I try to post authors and websites most can agree are legitimate. Nothing I post, as far out of the mainstream as it might be, none is without common sense and plenty of references as to how the theory was formed. Then to have a puke stained drunk shout out ad hominem and you think its all the same and equal. That only tells volumes about you, but nothing to further the cause of truth.
I see a lot of “opinions” but nothing concrete to back it up. Many have an agenda to serve a party or constituent. I come free of baggage. Take it or leave it.
Who says I like Pete? I’ve been coming here since he opened or pretty close. He even published one of my earlier papers. But he’s pretty average Libertarian minded as far as I can see. From Acedamialand, and as I’ve said. How smart is someone reading censored schoolbooks? For sure I don’t like Dunky or any loudmouth crying in his beer. But that doesn’t change the information I bring. I don’t like many things in life that I go along with because society says I have to pay fines if I don’t. But appeasing assholes like Dunky isn’t one of them.
I have a bumper sticker with the same words. I don’t agree with Dunky but that has nothing much to do with why I don’t like him. He has posted some occasionally rare truths, but I still don’t like him.
Why would I not believe that, we make choices everyday. Or rather we think we make choices everyday. Conservatives lost that ability. Appeasers have too. You would rather be politically correct or well liked than tell the truth. Thats weak and why we’re in the mess we’re in. Tact is nice, but rarely precise.
Your hallucinations aren’t my problem either. First I don’t wear anything but Hemp, no polyfiber jumpsuits or shades. Second I don’t use bongs. Besides the fact they cause pollution being made with the crude oil plastic. After a while it looks like people are sucking smoke through a commode. I certainly don’t eat cardboard like cheetos. My joint expectorates the camel straights I smoke to curtail the kind bud coughing. Lungs are clean. Sun is shining, tunes are playing. What, Me Worry? Remember DC, Peace is not becoming a doormat.
You must hate a lot of the time eh?
Lame. First you spew shit and then apologize? Like the man said, it’s a choice and you admit you made the wrong choice. But still a choice. You make choices to call people names for posting information you can’t fit into your fox world. Then apologize? I don’t accept. You’re a troll and wannabe nark or just a silly drunk. Whatever you are I want no part of it. So stop spreading gossip and making threats on checks your ass can’t cash. Then DC won’t get all flustered. Trolls are no problem. They make good visual aids for other forums.
Hope it’s not on my account. Snide is a cover for lies. But if you stop spewing bullshit how can I teach others what bullshit is? Hope you re-consider.
Well ya got me now. Hope to see you standing under a crane and you can experience the crush I have for you when I release the brake. But then the right coast has had some tremors so maybe nature will sort it out. I’ve been here just about since the gitgo troll. You’re safe in your paranoia. If we have met on other forums you obviously use troll monikers so how would I know? Probably as you do here to find someone in agreement. I’ve used the same moniker since January 1999. Starting on the old boards. A few here probably remember. I was there when FoM started Cannabis News and over a decade at Yahooka and Cannabis Culture. So junior even your gossip is lame.
So you admit you’re a troll. Now how fast will it take before he crawls back under the rock of denial? Dude I have nothing against homosexuals, be all that you can be. But my grand kids and hetero relationships sorta goes against the fat chance that we would have a romantic encounter. That’s pretty sick actually. Grammer school baiting?
Dunky you’re not telling us anything we don’t already know. You’re really really sorry for disrupting folk’s here. You’re really really sorry for being such a liar. But in reality I don’t believe a word you spew, so your empty apology once again falls on deaf ears, or in internet terms. Your on my ignore list. I rarely even see your crap unless someone tells me about it.
Past time. Like prohibitionists living in castles in the clouds. Trying to render their minds into a lull, to accept the nonsense of the don’t know anythings and pretend it’s real. Deny deny deny and then whine and still can’t sell it to people. If anyone has real evidence that anything I say is not what I claim. You probably wouldn’t have let such an opportunity slip by. So I state pretty near unequivocally that ya got nuthin. btw, choosing someone busted for public indecent exposure may not have the collateral you think. Pee Wee came after my time with Mr Rogers and Kapt. Kangaroo and I always thought of him as a flaming gay weakling spewing sissy things rather than a kids show host. Even Jim Henson’s muppets taught kids to be strong. Figures it would be Dunks hero. So if you don’t like the heat in the kitchen. Get out or turn down the fire. Wearing parka’s meant for the Arctic isn’t too smart either. A choice.
Al Capone and Watergate were red herrings to divert the countries attention from the Fascist acts of eliminating competition. Booze/Ethanol or Ganja//Hemp.
AMERICA- Not A Christian Nation
Ah yes. More word play by another government stooge. They love thier definition ,thier ‘this is how I see it’ POV. The problem. They dont inform the public of their POV on word defintions .
I would say I would like McCaffery and his ilk to shut the hell up but, let them talk. Give a moron enough rope…..
McCaffrey wants people in treatment because….
he just happens to own a treatment center.
This man is a ghoul. He profits from the dead.
A true optimist,,I just sent Obama $3 for 1 chance in probably millions to get to sit down at his dinner table
with his kids and discuss present day issues,,,roflmfao
The White House is selling lottery tickets? What are you talking about?
Never mind, Google is the best thing since the invention of the bread slicing machine. I’m in too. Though I’ll file a dispute with my credit card’s issuing bank over the $3.
Oh Barry, I’ll bring some home made brownies for dessert. The more you eat the hungrier you get.
edit: for the love of god it’s taxable income if you win.
You just wasted $3 Clay, we don’t have a chance even if one of our names gets pulled from the hat. Anyone they decide they don’t like for whatever reason loses even if he wins. In plain words, sycophants only.
Seriously. You didn’t actually believe they were going to let you or Clay (or any of us) within two BLOCKS of the venue, did you? If you guys REALLY want to attend, there will be a protest there, but it will NOT be within that two block radius….You wouldn’t enjoy the rubber chicken anyway.
But what do we have if we discard our dreams?
Then again, if we didn’t dream, we couldn’t have our hopes dashed against the rocks.
I’m mostly a vegetarian. I’d have probably ordered the rubber eggplant parmesan.
You know, my wife would pass the background check if they miss the fact that she married a rabble rouser.
What they meant to say when came up with this law is that if you even smoke a joint then you and your children can fucking starve for all we care.
Punishing the poorest among us for drug use is, in essence, punishing them for their despair — how dare they, in this nation of plenty and riches, make light of this society’s shortcomings.
Czarbarry Treating Drugs Like Cancer.jpg
Clinton Asks Supreme Court To Overturn MMJ Ruling
D.E.A. Confirms Grounds To Remove Marijuana From Sched#1
US: McCaffrey’s Brain On Drugs
I hear Newt Gingrich made his 21st century “contract with America”. In this, he apparently said if he is voted president, he will sign 150 executive orders. One of which he said he will get rid of all the czars….really?
So, I would like everyone to contact Newt and ask him if that means getting rid of the drug czar as well. Bet he backs out…..or lies.
Hers the story.
Heres his site.
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