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Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “A sizeable drop in opioid deaths is attributable to the ONDCP’s social and medical intervention programs or strategies. However, addiction…” Mar 11, 21:52
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Video story of FBI Director who was set up and busted by crooked cops for cocaine possession: FBI Director busted” Mar 11, 19:03
author on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “What is your opinion on the effectiveness of the ONDCP’s current strategies?” Mar 11, 10:35
Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “OT: has anybody experienced that their all-time favorite album doesn’t come from their favorite band?” Mar 8, 07:52
Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “The local VA clinic in my small town supports Cannabis use over the standard meds they dish out for pain…” Mar 8, 07:48
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Nature publication repaired link: Nature: A cryptic pocket in CB1 drives peripheral and functional selectivity” Mar 5, 19:39
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Scientists develop a molecule that mimics the pain relieving activity of cannabinoids without cannabis’ other mental side effects. 05-MAR-2025 –…” Mar 5, 19:34
Siân Llad newydd on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Saint Barthwell was right; you maricocoswrs are a threat to decent cardigans, everywhere!” Mar 3, 16:42
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Monthly Archives: December 2010
Open Thread
The day Westminster gave up on science by Ian Dunt Last week’s police reform and social responsibility bill contains a clause scrapping the requirement for the home secretary to appoint at least six scientists to the Advisory Council on the … Continue reading
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Righting Great Wrongs
It’s important in a country like ours to have a mechanism to counter a grave injustice should one occur. In that light, the founders properly saw fit to vest the President of the United States with the power of the … Continue reading
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Drug War Winners
A very insightful article by Juan Gabriel Tokatlian in the Guardian (UK): The only winner in the ‘war on drugs’: The real effect of militarising drugs policy in Latin America has been to cement the hegemony of the US Southern … Continue reading
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TSA body scanners are doing the job
There’s been a lot of controversy over the new TSA body scanners at airports that can “see” through clothing. Since it’s unlikely that they would even catch the kind of terrorist device that they are being installed at great expense … Continue reading
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Thank you, ACLU
ACLU sues Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills and Livonia over medical marijuana rules The ACLU is suing Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, and Livonia because, the ACLU says, the three cities have effectively banned medical marijuana, despite a state law approved by voters that … Continue reading
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Another Episode of ‘Kids Say the Darndest Things’
Last time on Kids Say the Darndest Things, we had Shane Smith of TCU. Today, it’s Frannie Boyle at Vanderbilt University with Legalized marijuana? You must be high. Some really astonishing items in this piece. Legalization would cause use of … Continue reading
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Drugged Driving has significant impact on society
Drug Czar Director Kerlikowske called attention to new information reporting the alarmingly high percentage of fatalities on America’s roadways involving drivers with drugs in their system. He called on communities to act immediately to prevent drug use before it starts … Continue reading
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What we might learn from WikiLeaks
I’m strongly in favor of the efforts of WikiLeaks to help create some transparency in our Government. Unlike the authoritarians that seem to dominate much of our media, many of whom appear to want to kill or imprison the leakers … Continue reading
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Asking people to give up drugs to stop the drug trade is just plain stupid
It really is pretty pathetic to continue to hear such this nonsense. This latest moron is Adam Yamaguchi in a promo at Huffington Post for Current TV’s Vanguard. My team decided to do this story after we’d come across a … Continue reading
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The new Texas Tea
William Michael Smith at Houston Press has a delightful column: Willie Nelson’s Pot Bust: A Milestone In Marijuana Policy? We’ll bet Gov. Rick Perry’s anus puckered up tighter than an unfracked shale formation when some aide walked up and whispered … Continue reading
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