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Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “A sizeable drop in opioid deaths is attributable to the ONDCP’s social and medical intervention programs or strategies. However, addiction…” Mar 11, 21:52
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Video story of FBI Director who was set up and busted by crooked cops for cocaine possession: FBI Director busted” Mar 11, 19:03
author on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “What is your opinion on the effectiveness of the ONDCP’s current strategies?” Mar 11, 10:35
Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “OT: has anybody experienced that their all-time favorite album doesn’t come from their favorite band?” Mar 8, 07:52
Son of Sam Walton on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “The local VA clinic in my small town supports Cannabis use over the standard meds they dish out for pain…” Mar 8, 07:48
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Nature publication repaired link: Nature: A cryptic pocket in CB1 drives peripheral and functional selectivity” Mar 5, 19:39
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Scientists develop a molecule that mimics the pain relieving activity of cannabinoids without cannabis’ other mental side effects. 05-MAR-2025 –…” Mar 5, 19:34
Siân Llad newydd on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Saint Barthwell was right; you maricocoswrs are a threat to decent cardigans, everywhere!” Mar 3, 16:42
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Monthly Archives: December 2010
Bill Piper takes on Bishop Ron Allen
A Ron Allen train wreck. Bishop Ron Allen: “It’s a deadly and dangerous mantra that marijuana is safer than alcohol. I’ll offer you, sir, a cobra or a rattlesnake. Which one would you say is safer? Neither one.” What I’m … Continue reading
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A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. — John F. Kennedy
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All they have left is the absence of a message
How pathetic is that? Policies based on no facts, no reality, and ultimately the only active thing they’ve got to promote is advocating for the lack of a message. After former defence secretary Bob Ainsworth called for legalizing drugs, what … Continue reading
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Big news: UK’s former Drugs and Defence Minister says ‘Legalize and Regulate Drugs’
Breaking right now at Transform Drug Policy Foundation Blog: Bob Ainsworth MP, former Home Office drugs minister and Secretary of State for Defence, will call for the legalisation and regulation of drugs during a Parliamentary debate he is leading in … Continue reading
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Despite Rising Teen Marijuana Use, U.S. Government Refuses to Enact Age Restrictions for Purchase
They only have themselves to blame.
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Erin Allday, winner of Worst Reporting on this topic
… at least to date that I’ve seen. Teen marijuana use rising after years of decline by Erin Allday at the San Francisco Chronicle. This article does it all. Swallows every lie from the prohibitionists without question, goes out an … Continue reading
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Gateway Rehabilitation’s Nicole Kurash shows how to reach youth
Lie to them. At least, that appears to be the case from reading her comments in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Nicole Kurash, clinical manager of youth programs at Gateway Rehabilitation Center, which treats up to 500 teens across Southwest Pennsylvania each … Continue reading
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More responses to Drug Czar’s outrageous statements
Paul Armentano at NORML: Drug Czar Blames Rising Teen Pot Use On Medical Cannabis Laws Rather Than On His Own Failed Policies Okay, let me get this straight: California enacted legislation legalizing the physician-supervised use of medical marijuana in 1996 … Continue reading
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We’re not lying to teens enough!
We must do a better job of lying to teens or they might see through all the lies we told them before. White House Drug Czar: Teen Marijuana Use on the Rise “We have been telling young people, particularly for … Continue reading
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Wet houses
There’s a fascinating article in the Twin Cities Pioneer Press: They drink more, and you pay less by Bob Shaw. It’s a concept that can seem counterintuitive, yet actually makes perfect sense — with some people who are dependent on … Continue reading
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