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6 Responses to Watch

  1. claygooding says:

    The truth shall set you free.
    I have no idea what it is going to take for the police to regain peoples trust but somewhere,some how,the police are going to have to go back to serve and protect instead of search and seize.

  2. ezrydn says:

    Great angle. One I whole heartedly endorse. However, the Prohibs will never get the deeper meaning of Neil’s position. What was “once upon a time,” the true meaning of “to protect…and serve.”

  3. Buc says:

    Hey, Neil Franklin, GREAT MESSAGE!!

    That’s what I like to hear. Instead of the usual, well, it’s good because of the money, here is an ex-cop that genuinely wants to heal the relationship between cops and non-cops.

    Additionally, he knows the only way to do it is to end the drug war and restore civil liberties.

  4. Just me. says:

    Yes those tenticles are far parts of the world most of us will never see or know about.

    Ending prohibition will cause these tenticles to wither, recoil away from the world and let it breath once more.

    I see what you do Neil.

  5. Jim says:

    Mr. Franklin’s eloquence is nicely aimed at two of the most pernicious, and most overlooked, elements of drug prohibition: the undermining of the relationship between citizens and police and the (related) degradation of inner cities. Hear hear.

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