bullet image 420: Put Down That Joint and Pick Up a Pen by Norm Stamper

You don’t have to be a Californian to strike a blow for freedom and justice. As a voter and/or a toker, perhaps at 4:20 on 4/20/10 you’ll pick up a pen and compose a letter to the editor and/or write a check to the campaign. What happens in the nation’s largest state will certainly reverberate throughout the other forty-nine.

bullet image As a special 420 promotion, the publishers of “Marijuana is Safer, So Why Are We Driving People to Drink” are allowing free downloads of the book from 12 a.m. on 4/20 to 12 a.m. on 4/21 EST at scribd.com. You need to go to this link (free registration and a few annoying click-throughs may be required, but it’s worth it).

bullet image Marijuana and Money – a CNBC Special Report. Lots of great stuff…. and then you have Joyce Nalepka and Robert DuPont in the Commentary.

What are your 420 additions/events/stories?

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12 Responses to 420

  1. Happy Smoke says:

    Buffalo Bills oatmeal stout and northern lights for 420! Is 4/20 still earth day? There is no more earth friendly plant than cannabis sativa and hemp.

  2. iDub says:

    happy 420 everyone!!!

  3. kaptinemo says:

    No particular plans, just surviving. 🙂

    As to the CNBC stuff, well, the prohibs damn themselves as irrelevant every time their open their mouths and cause those around them to quietly roll their eyes in exasperation.

    The truth is on the ‘Net; the lie is on their tongues. And a single court case would prove it.

  4. Duncan says:

    I think it’s amazing that the potheads have appropriated and absconded with a day.

    Yesterday the Boston Globe called it the ‘fastest growing’ holiday.

    In CO there are plans for a marijuana free celebration.


  5. claygooding says:

    CNBC poll released this am,it appears to be a propaganda ploy and we need to get on dispelling the bullshit.


  6. Nick z says:

    Yes, I do believe that poll is BS. A much better poll may explain it; the one that has concluded a majority of the people do not trust the federal government. The MSM is a propaganda machine for the federal government. It obviously lies for the corporations. Big Pharma lobbyists probly secured that fix.

  7. Mark David Smith says:

    Lots of tweets about/around 420. Someone created a background for MJ awareness : http://twitter.com/weedwidgets

    Funny NYT article: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2010/04/20/us/AP-US-High-Holiday.html

  8. denmark says:

    First sentence you wrote kaptinemo, me too.

    And … anxiously anticipating the end of the drug war. For anyone who has seriously looked at ALL the facts it’s a no-brainer.
    Course we still have the head in the sand crowd that simply don’t know how to explain they made a huge mistake by supporting the drug war. The prohibs must save face, run from their lies, and continue to imprison thousands of non-violent individuals. Now that’s a legacy I could not live with.

  9. Cannabis says:

    Happy Cannabis Day everyone!

  10. Chris says:

    I’m sorry but Joyce Nalepka is a liar (like most of them) but I feel like reading her writing is like listening to a story from a 3 year old with all the repeated parts just cut out. This is great that all the evidence that Cannabis is bad coming from the Prohibitionists is almost all anecdotal now. keep up the good work and happy 4/20!

  11. A pretty good article at cnbc.com. It does mention the MPP scandal, however, and its repercussions regarding fundraising. MPP funding of its allies (like SSDP) has gone from $1.5M a few years ago to zero.

    Rob Kampia is quoted as saying this de-funding is because Peter Lewis, MPPs primary funding source, is tired of all the negative publicity and the “lay of the land” of the reform movement. With all the positive news lately regarding cannabis reform, one must wonder just what Lewis is referring to.


  12. Just me says:

    Thanks for the post Clay , Dont ya just love it. They are losing the fight so they try changing the rules in the last quarter.

    I say they know if it was put to a national vote, people would be crawling out of the boonys to vote for legalization.

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