I have filed a Petition for Correction under the ONDCP Information Quality Guidelines.
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Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “A sizeable drop in opioid deaths is attributable to the ONDCP’s social and medical intervention programs or strategies. However, addiction…” Mar 11, 21:52
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author on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “What is your opinion on the effectiveness of the ONDCP’s current strategies?” Mar 11, 10:35
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Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Scientists develop a molecule that mimics the pain relieving activity of cannabinoids without cannabis’ other mental side effects. 05-MAR-2025 –…” Mar 5, 19:34
Siân Llad newydd on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Saint Barthwell was right; you maricocoswrs are a threat to decent cardigans, everywhere!” Mar 3, 16:42
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Very direct and professional. Hopefully they listen.
Keep up the great work, Pete!
Excellent! It could not have been said any better. I can’t wait to hear what the response is.
This is a rubber meets the road issue. Well done Pete, and a big thanks for recognizing how important this is. The authorities absolutely are using propaganda like this to push their police state.
Out for blood? – Chicago Tribune
Over the past couple of years, Kane County State’s Attorney John Barsanti has staged what he calls “no refusal” weekends.
Drivers suspected of being intoxicated are arrested and told they must provide a breath or blood sample. A judge is on hand to issue a search warrant. If the driver refuses, he faces the threat of being shipped to the hospital to have his blood taken involuntarily.
Now Rep. Keith Farnham, D-Elgin, is trying to insert some fangs. He has introduced a bill that authorizes police to use “all necessary and reasonable force” to execute a search warrant, whether for driving under the influence of alcohol or anything else. That means suspects could be restrained at a hospital so a nurse or doctor could draw blood or a hair sample.
Illinois Democrats proposing legislation to take and use blood and hair samples by all necessary force to determine if someone was impaired while driving through a police checkpoint.
Pete deserves some kind of award for challenging them on this.
You go Pete…
Stick it to ’em.
Thank you Pete.
We have a bigger problem Pete.
Read some of the shit the drug czar is putting out now.
They have his “speech” at the ONDCP web site. It is propaganda and a rally cry for law enforcement and prohibs.
Um, Clay… Where do you think I got the smoking gun that led me to file a petition for correction? From reading the Christian Science Monitor, which led me to the ONDCP site. That is the document on the ONDCP site that is referenced in my petition.
It’s the one where he specifically, in an officially disseminated document on a government website, said the words “under the influence” when referring to the NHTSA report.
There is nothing really new in the ONDCP document. The Christian Science Monitor is doing what it always does. The key thing is that there was a clear misstatement of fact, which calls for a specific correction, something we can actually attempt to do through the Information Quality Act.
Nice work Pete.
Thanks, David — and everyone else.
Sorry,I thought you were petitioning on the speech and info he used in the Vienna meeting.
And there was so mush skewed data at the ONDCP website,it would require approximately 10 petitions to clear them all up.
One at a time.
Totally cool.
They hate us for our freedom.
Same shit announced in Canada yesterday.
Probable cause out the window.
I recommend selling your expensive rides and driving a beater. Impoundment? Keep the fuk’n thing.
I’ll look for the Jamaican fishermen study where fishermen that smoked a hog leg caught way more fish than the sober fisherman. Drugs are bad…mmmmkay.
Marijuana Issue Tops Online Questions For Canada’s PM
WHYPROHIBITION – On Tuesday, Stephen Harper and Google launched “Talk Canada†an online town hall in which users were asked to submit questions to the Prime Minister.
Cannabis Holy War
Chris Bennett is preparing for battle in his quest to become the first Canadian legally permitted to use marijuana for religious purposes
War on THC Comparable to War on Apples
Prohibition of any kind doesn’t work, and that is because prohibition is a regulation of morality.
Boycott Idaho Over Thuggish Marijuana Law Enforcement?
Well, We Have to Start Somewhere
NDP, Liberal, Conservative Politicians
Petition to Stop Marc Emery’s Extradition to the U.S.
“They say you can’t legislate morality.
Well, you certainly can.
~ Boosh 1st AG John Ashcroft
Pete, you friggin ROCK! Rock on…
Hey Pete,chew on this and tell me what you think.
Is Phillips a subsidiary of Motorola?
First,they convince congress of the “problem”,or cut them in for part of the profits,to get the money to buy the expensive new technology from a company that an ex-DEA administrator works at. It will be a huge budgeting tool in order too proliferate all law enforcement with the equipment,and with it they can mine even more money from marijuana users.
PS. I am moving too another country as soon as I sell my Harley and motorhome and can get enough cash together to get away from these greedy bastards.
I hear that Bali and Thailand are nice, Clay. 😉
Too many warlords and opium czars,some of Kerli’s best buddies. I wish I could afford and be accepted by Holland
or Spain. I wonder if I could get witness protection by running this down to the FBI? But then,they are on ONDCP’s payout list also. We really are a “free” country,and we can’t afford to live here.
Be sure to take a screenshot or make sure the site is stored in one of the web archives. If we have learned one thing from the Transform experience recently it is that governments and UN-level orgs can be sneaky and just self-censor their websites.
Grey completely misses the elephants in the room of bif pharm and big tobacco (the cirgarette industry).
Read more about criminal mercantilism in Freedom of Medicine and Diet.
Good lord ! Forcing us to give samples…thats not the American I was born into! Gettem’ Pete!