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Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Dopamine helps baby birds learn to sing: March 25, 2025 — In his home office in Durham, Duke neuroscientist Richard…” Mar 29, 20:38
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Dopamine is needed for cognitive flexibility, the more dopamine, the more efficiently tasks are completed: 28-Mar-2025 — For the first…” Mar 29, 20:12
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Inhibiting the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R) protects the gut barrier involving alcohol binge drinking that leads to a condition called…” Mar 19, 19:27
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “CBD proves effective in tissue repair for treating inflammation involving dental treatments: 18-Mar-2025 — In vitro tests indicate that cannabidiol…” Mar 19, 19:05
indica vape on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “I’ve recently started using indica vape , and they’ve exceeded my expectations. From Delta 8 products to HHC products, the…” Mar 16, 08:34
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Female sex hormone protects against opioid misuse; male and female rats respond differently to fentanyl: 10-Mar-2025 — The opioid epidemic…” Mar 15, 20:38
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “A sizeable drop in opioid deaths is attributable to the ONDCP’s social and medical intervention programs or strategies. However, addiction…” Mar 11, 21:52
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Video story of FBI Director who was set up and busted by crooked cops for cocaine possession: FBI Director busted” Mar 11, 19:03
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- A Day at the Museum
- A story for Thanksgiving (Isidro and Teresa Aviles)
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- Andrea Barthwell, Snake Oil Salesman
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- DEA Bad Girl Michele Leonhart
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- Drug WarRant Joins SOPA, PIPA Protest
- Hammer Down, Pop Up
- If I were Contrarian-King of the United States
- Increase in Burger Abuse Seen
- Irvin Rosenfeld and the Compassionate IND — Medical Marijuana Proof and Government Lies
- Karen Tandy and the DEA (Can Congress Get a Clue?)
- Len Bias – the death that ushered in two decades of destruction
- Mother and Son
- Patriot Act, Victory Act, Despot Act
- Petition for Correction under the ONDCP Information Quality Guidelines
- Raich v. Ashcroft
- Rand and American Enterprise Institute Studies – Indictments of Federal Drug Policy
- the Drug Czar is Required by Law to Lie
- Treatment Statistics
- Who’s Who in Drug Prohibition
- Why is Marijuana Illegal?
Wasted potential is easy profit on the other side.
The side perpetuating the profits.
Nice gig if you can get it,
then have the stomach to live with it.
All for the kids eh? Pity the Children.
For the good intenders are building roads again.
Manufacturing misery to treat for money.
Who needs a Constitution with such obedient followers…
DEAth Merchants make me sick,
just to cause me to smoke more.
They’re probably the Cartels. Such a sham.
this makes me sick! com/watch?v=68dM1H
Google Patent 6630507
Cannabis fights cancer.
You’ve gotta check out this screed by the ONDCP’s Tom McLellan. He’s really upset that the public isn’t buying his BS!
It’s the center of the universe. Yeah (laughs). With all the really serious problems that we’ve got facing us–prescription drug use probably among the top, and you know, name the other drugs, why we’re spending this time on this nonsense about medical marijuana and legalization. It’s the damnest thing to me. I can’t get over it. It’s almost as though there were a contingent of people out there really eager to keep it at the front of the newspapers. Well, it isn’t us. We don’t want it there.
Maybe if Tommy Boy and gang hadn’t spent their entire career lying to us, we might believe them. However, that’s not the way granny raised me. I found McLellan’s comments to place him just below a knot in wood on the evolutionary scale.
I think what we’re hearing is the sound of “losing.”
Shouldn’t they have to prove that getting arrested and having to suffer probation and/or jail is good for you, and not just ‘not that bad’? Funny how they demand that things get proven while insisting that their opinions are facts.
Isn’t it funny how we all grew up brainwashed into thinking we live in a free country.
Lock up these NAZI’s the sooner the better.
This is America for crying out loud!
I admire President Obama for what he has to deal with so far in his office, but he better help us overthrow the communism we have fought all of our lives..or he and his office can also suffer the upcoming consequences for their own children’s lives.
You can’t tell me that they’re not just scared little babies.
Peace or war; simply elemental my dear.
Freedom of thought and action…they can try and lock me up again if they want to, if it makes them feel like bigger mice than the men they ever will not become.
I have some Nirvana seeds on order today.
Come on … lock me up …. see what happens then Obama.
My soul..ya just can’t touch this can ya Uncle Sam…and I bet you are a hating that one, oh Tommy Chong McLellan, aren’t ya.
Go get over yourself…find a life…go grow a spud or something stupid fool…maybe McLellan will die from cancer too!
If he had any real nads, he would turn himself in now.
I don’t even know how I come across some sites that I do like last night; I’m not even very well versed on the internet yet.
I found a Washington D.C. Fraud Hotline some magical way.
Sometimes things just seem to pop out here at me but I surely have given them a list of names beginning in 1997.
I am seeking justice for my children’s lives and my own if it’s the last thing I do on God’s Green Earth. Amen.
Chart is well done easy to follow…add In Millions to Tax Revenue upper right chart…a little more impact….thanks