Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Dopamine is needed for cognitive flexibility, the more dopamine, the more efficiently tasks are completed: 28-Mar-2025 — For the first…” Mar 29, 20:12
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Inhibiting the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R) protects the gut barrier involving alcohol binge drinking that leads to a condition called…” Mar 19, 19:27
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “CBD proves effective in tissue repair for treating inflammation involving dental treatments: 18-Mar-2025 — In vitro tests indicate that cannabidiol…” Mar 19, 19:05
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “Female sex hormone protects against opioid misuse; male and female rats respond differently to fentanyl: 10-Mar-2025 — The opioid epidemic…” Mar 15, 20:38
Servetus on Marijuana’s dopamine boost terrifies prohibitionists: “A sizeable drop in opioid deaths is attributable to the ONDCP’s social and medical intervention programs or strategies. However, addiction…” Mar 11, 21:52
Servetus on Will Pope Francis imitate Pope Innocent VIII?: “Video story of FBI Director who was set up and busted by crooked cops for cocaine possession: FBI Director busted” Mar 11, 19:03