Monthly Archives: November 2008

A suggestion for Switzerland

So voters in Switzerland voted overwhelmingly today to formalize their excellent heroin prescription program, where they really lead the world in reducing crime and the ravages of addiction through implementing actual… ideas. But, unfortunately, the cannabis decriminalization initiative failed. And … Continue reading

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A petition

Students for Sensible Drug Policy have established a petition on Facebook that they wish to deliver to President-Elect Obama The petition request is reasonable (and certainly not overly ambitious): When you called the War on Drugs an “utter failure” in … Continue reading

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Switzerland voting on marijuana decriminalization and heroin prescription today

Several readers have passed on the information about Switzerland, and with the holidays, I haven’t gotten around to posting about it until now. Marijuana Smokers in Switzerland Pin Hopes on Support of Voters The ‹Hemp InitiativeÅ  would free the Swiss … Continue reading

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The problem is not that the drug war has failed

The headline got my attention: Outgoing U.S. ambassador to Mexico lashes out on drug war Ah, I thought, someone ready to speak out about how we need to look elsewhere than the destructive prohibition model. And there were hopeful indications … Continue reading

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Now where did I put that stash?

Researches find oldest-ever stash of marijuana Researchers say they have located the world’s oldest stash of marijuana, in a tomb in a remote part of China. The cache of cannabis is about 2,700 years old and was clearly “cultivated for … Continue reading

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Put that tomato in your pipe and smoke it

A 79-year-old widow’s cottage is raided for growing tomatoes in the window boxes. Mrs Matheson told the Daily Mail: “I got a terrible fright and I couldn’t understand what they were doing here because I knew we had nothing more … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving

Hope you have a wonderful day, and that you’re one of the lucky ones who get to spend it with family and friends. Many will not. Here’s a story for Thanksgiving from five years ago. Still important today.

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The Hatch Action

Orrin Hatch is one of the top drug warriors around. He’s also apparently the one to know if you get in trouble. TalkLeft has the bizarre connection with one of the recent Bush pardons. The drug offender knew Carly Simon … Continue reading

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You can’t make this stuff up

Only in America can two men, who manufactured a fake penis, be charged with… conspiracy to defraud the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, which administers federal workplace drug testing programs. And yes, they face up to 9 years … Continue reading

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Interesting lines in an OpEd by Ronald Fraser Advertised as an effective drug control policy, America’s harsh drug laws only give the illusion of progress. […] Perhaps the non-performing drug war programs are not really expected to deliver on their … Continue reading

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