Monthly Archives: September 2008

Finally – a drug free workforce!

Link John Consoli wants to get rid of drugs in the workplace, one telephone handset at a time. Consoli, 67, is the president of On Site, a Spring Hill, Fla., company marketing DrugWipe, a handheld narcotic detector. Just swipe the … Continue reading

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SWAT – Hey, we’re kind of right most of the time.

Lima, Ohio: More than a quarter of the 198 raids by the Lima Police Department SWAT team in the last seven years came up empty-handed without finding drugs, weapons, paraphernalia or money. And nearly a third of the time, police … Continue reading

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Did they say anything about drug policy?

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Open Thread

“bullet” An interesting candidate I am Ben Mitchell, the Liberty Union candidate for lieutenant governor in the state of Vermont. If I am elected and the governor leaves the state for even 10 minutes, I will pardon all nonviolent drug … Continue reading

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Scott Morgan has an excellent post talking about the latest episode in the continual slaughter of dogs by law enforcement officers — the shooting of a Jack Russell terrier. Ok, obviously thereā€°s some sort of major misunderstanding going on here, … Continue reading

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Self Censorship

Another interesting post over at Transform Is self-censorship helping perpetuate the drug war? Is it possible that there are groups that recognise the truth about prohibition, but self-censor on this issue when in the media eye? The short answer: Yes. … Continue reading

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Oh, look! It’s another drug free world.

Check out this post over at Transform. Steve points out this bizarre Declaration of: World Forum Against Drugs (Stockholm Sweden, 2008) (pdf) It’s a real mess, with statements like: There can be no other goal than a drug-free world. Such … Continue reading

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Odds and Ends

“bullet” It’s clear to me that, when only considering the Republican and Democratic Presidential candidates, Obama is better than McCain on drug policy and criminal justice issues. But that isn’t saying much. Read Jeralyn at TalkLeft: Police Unions to Endorse … Continue reading

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Cato Unbound – Conclusion

Well, the Cato Unbound series on Responsible Drug Use has concluded. To recap, here are some of my earlier posts on the series. Jonathan Caulkins is Tired of the Legalization Debate Jacob Sullum continues the discussion In Search of Free … Continue reading

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The Washington Post editorial staff is dumb as a box of rocks

The Post came out with an editorial today on Salvia: Meet — or Don’t Meet — Salvia Remember, this is one of those solutions in search of a problem. Most people who use Salvia never want to again. It has … Continue reading

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