Monthly Archives: July 2008


“bullet” Reason TV on the travesty in the Charlie Lynch trial. Owen Beck is silenced in the courtroom. More detail. “bullet” CNN video — Barney Frank talks about his pot decrim bill. “bullet” Trial of Sgt. Joseph Chavalia for shooting … Continue reading

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Another violent drug raid, more dead dogs. This time it’s the mayor.

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Congressmen call for federal decrim of marijuana, scaring drug warriors into strange behavior

Nick Juliano at Raw Story has great coverage of today’s press conference with Rep. Barney Frank, who is introducing a marijuana federal decriminalization bill (not expected to pass, but intended to open a dialogue). The ONDCP apparently sent their big … Continue reading

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Drug war doesn’t work? Who’d’a thunk it?

The BBC reports: The UK Drug Policy Commission said despite the large sums of money spent tackling the problem, traditional police tactics were not working. Uh, yep. Tim McSweeney, one of the report’s authors, said: “We were struck by just … Continue reading

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“bullet” Today is the beginning of the trial of Sgt. Joseph Chevalia for shooting and killing 26-year-old Tarika Wilson in a botched drug raid. An all-white jury will consider the misdemeanor charges. I hope he gets a fair trial. Unfortunately, … Continue reading

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It’s been an amazing Five Years

I started Drug WarRant on Sunday, July 27, 2003 with a post about the Hinchey Amendment. I thought maybe I’d post once a week or so — mostly for myself, but if anyone happened to stop by… I discovered there … Continue reading

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An interview with Scott Burns

There’s a fascinating interview with deputy drug czar Burns in The Arcata Eye. I believe the interview was conducted by Kevin Hoover. The Arcata Eye is certainly not known for is support of the drug war, yet Burns agreed to … Continue reading

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Taxpayer funded propaganda so outrageous even the DEA objects

Article by Ray Stern Did you know that 90% of drugs comes from south of the border? Neither did the DEA. So where did Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas get his “facts”? Robert Caldwell, who has a history of uninformed … Continue reading

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That hamster only has three legs

Maybe I’m an intellectual elitist, but sometimes I forget that they don’t require any literacy or intelligence tests to get on the internet tubes, and when reading some commenters on public fora, I find myself physically staggering from the sheer … Continue reading

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Must Read

Former Baltimore City police officer Peter Moskos in U.S. News and World Report today: Drugs Are Too Dangerous Not to RegulateƖWe Should Legalize Them It’s a great piece with the right focus for a major national magazine. On the other … Continue reading

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