Further information on the “conversion.” Bob Barr, interviewed by Charles Goyette on KFNX (Phoenix), on the drug war:
There‰s a lot of room to work on that issue. For example, on the issue of medical marijuana and the states‰ rights issues involving that. I‰m very supportive of states‰ rights. I am also very supportive the concept of legitimate testing for the use of medical marijuana and I‰m very disappointed that the government has stood in the way of that. So there‰s a lot of room there. I‰m working through some of those individual liberties issues…
And something that should be entertaining coming January 18 at Fordham Law School:
The Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation Presents a debate: Medical Marijuana: Should the sick be able to smoke?
Bob Barr, Former Congressman, 21st Century Liberties Chair for Freedom and Privacy at the American Conservative Union
Ethan Nadelmann, Executive Director, Drug Policy Alliance